Search Results for: query+store

Containers: More on Volumes

In my last post I showed how you can create a volume with your container. I then showed a few things you can with a container using a volume. I want to explore volumes just a little bit more. Locate Your Volume To have a little more fun with volumes, first, let's share a drive. You do this in the Settings in Docker Desktop (assuming that's what you're using): While this should just work, it didn't for me until I restarted Docker. So you may need to do that. Go to the drive and create a directory. I'm putting one in at C:\Docker\SQL. Once I've done that, let's create a new container: docker run ` --name SQL19 ` -p 1433:1433 ` -e "ACCEPT_EULA=Y" ` -e 'SA_PASSWORD=$cthulhu1988' ` -v C:\Docker\SQL:/sql `…
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Containers: Creating a Container

In yesterday's blog post we pulled SQL Server images in preparation for today's blog post where we create containers from those images. If you haven't already, get Docker installed and follow the instructions here to get at least one image on your machine. If you're interested in why I'm talking about containers all week, read this. I'm using all PowerShell commands to control Docker. Docker Run You can use 'docker create' to create an image and then start it up. However, we can just get started running a container from one of the images we downloaded yesterday. We can just simultaneously create and start the container using 'docker run': docker run -e 'ACCEPT_EULA=Y' ` -e 'SA_PASSWORD=$cthulhu1988' ` -p 1433:1433 ` --name dockerdemo ` -d Let's break this down a…
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system_health Extended Events in Azure SQL Database

The system_health Extended Events session is incredibly useful. Further, it's running, by default, in every server you have under management that is 2008 or greater. Things are not the same in Azure though. system_health in Azure SQL Database If you look at the documentation for system_health, it shows that it's applicable to Azure SQL Database. However, if you try to run the example query, it won't work. This is because the implementation of Extended Events inside Azure SQL Database is a little different. Instead, you need to use the Azure SQL Database equivalent system views to create the same query like this: SELECT CAST(dxdst.target_data AS XML) FROM sys.dm_xe_database_session_targets AS dxdst JOIN sys.dm_xe_database_sessions AS dxds ON dxds.address = dxdst.event_session_address WHERE = 'system_health'; Now, running this in Azure, prepare to be…
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All Day, Training Day at SQLBits

It's a somewhat late addition, but I have an all-day Training Day at SQLBits. It takes place on Thursday, February 28th. You can read all about it on the SQLBits web site. I want to take a moment here to expand on the information that we're going to cover. I think the abstract does a good job of conveying what we'll be doing all day, but I figured a little more detail won't hurt. Query Tuning is Hard This is the very first thing I talk about. Query tuning is hard. I've got a nearly 1,000 page book on the topic, which should give you an idea of just how much material there is to cover. With the training day I've decided to focus on the tools that Microsoft gives…
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PowerShell to Simulate Load

Gathering metrics is quite difficult if there are no queries. So, if you're working in non-production environments, but you still want to see some sort of load on the server, how can you do it? I use a simple PowerShell script to simulate load. Simulate Load I've posted a sample of the meat of the script before. It's a simple way to test a procedure. However, I've modified it to do a little more than just run the procedure forever. Here's the script: # connect to the database $SqlConnection = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection $SqlConnection.ConnectionString = 'Server=WIN-8A2LQANSO51;Database=AdventureWorks2017;trusted_connection=true' # gather values $RefCmd = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlCommand $RefCmd.CommandText = "SELECT th.ReferenceOrderID, COUNT(th.ReferenceOrderID) AS RefCount FROM Production.TransactionHistory AS th GROUP BY th.ReferenceOrderID;" $RefCmd.Connection = $SqlConnection $SqlAdapter = New-Object System.Data.SqlClient.SqlDataAdapter $SqlAdapter.SelectCommand = $RefCmd $RefData = New-Object System.Data.DataSet…
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Forcing a Plan That Has a Plan Guide

The question that came up during a recent class I was teaching was: What if you have a plan guide to get the plan you want, but then decide, instead of using the plan guide, you'll just force the plan? Ummmm…. No idea. Let's test it. First, Create a Plan Guide I have a couple of queries I use to teach about how statistics affects plan choice, so we'll use that here. I'm going to also define and create a plan guide that makes this plan use a small row count for all queries against it: CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.AddressByCity @City NVARCHAR(30) AS SELECT a.AddressID, a.AddressLine1, a.AddressLine2, a.City, sp.Name AS StateProvinceName, a.PostalCode FROM Person.Address AS a JOIN Person.StateProvince AS sp ON a.StateProvinceID = sp.StateProvinceID WHERE a.City = @City; GO…
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Adaptive Joins and Join Hints

At a recent all-day seminar on query performance tuning I was asked a question that I didn't know the answer to: "How do join hints affect adaptive joins?" I don't know. Let's find out together. Adaptive Joins Here's a query that we can run against AdventureWorks: SELECT p.Name, COUNT(th.ProductID) AS CountProductID, SUM(th.Quantity) AS SumQuantity, AVG(th.ActualCost) AS AvgActualCost FROM Production.TransactionHistory AS th JOIN Production.Product AS p ON p.ProductID = th.ProductID GROUP BY th.ProductID, p.Name; Without a columnstore index in SQL Server 2017, the execution plan looks like this: Let's introduce a columnstore index: CREATE NONCLUSTERED COLUMNSTORE INDEX ix_csTest ON Production.TransactionHistory ( ProductID, Quantity, ActualCost ); Now, if we run the same query, the execution plan changes to use an adaptive join like this: You can read more on adaptive joins here…
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3rd Edition, SQL Server Execution Plans, a Story

Four years ago, after a bunch of dithering and some negotiations with Tony Davis, my editor, I started to update my book, SQL Server Execution Plans. We managed to convince Hugo Kornelis to be the tech editor. I started to do the real writing in early 2015. I was most of the way through a first draft and no one liked it. Tony was unhappy. Hugo was unhappy. I was unhappy. I was just trying to update the existing book, SQL Server Execution Plans. It wasn't working. We all came to the conclusion that the old book was wrong. Not simply in a technical sense, although there was a lot of that, but in a structural sense. So we started rearranging things. SQL Server 2014 came out, but I was…
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Actual Execution Plan Costs

Why don't "actual execution plans" have "actual execution plan costs"? This is a question and a myth I have to fight against all the time. It's so hard to convince people that all execution plans are estimated plans in the first place (by the way, all execution plans are estimated plans). If we execute a query at the same time we capture a plan, we have enabled SQL Server to also capture run-time metrics with that plan. So we end up with what is known as an actual plan, but it's still just an estimated plan plus those run-time metrics. Execution Plan Costs When you look at a given operator within an estimated plan, it's going to show you four numbers related to cost: Estimated CPU Cost Estimated I/O Cost…
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Youtube Channel Update: 3 August 2018

I've posted a number of new videos to the Youtube channel that might be of interest if you're a data professional. First up, I've started migrating my Database Fundamentals posts over to Youtube as SQL Server Fundamentals. The first one is available: [embedyt][/embedyt] Speaking of DBAs, the job is not going away, but it is changing. Find out how to survive the change: [embedyt][/embedyt] Would you like to know how the Query Store works? Here's a getting started video: [embedyt][/embedyt] I also have a good video on how to combine capturing query metrics along with wait statistics using Extended Events: [embedyt][/embedyt] Wait until you see what Trace Flag 7412 can do for you. It's very cool. [embedyt][/embedyt] Finally, if you are interested in attending one of my…
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