
My name is Grant Fritchey. I have more than thirty years’ experience in IT working in development and database administration. I work for Red Gate Software as a Product Advocate. I write articles for publication at SQL Server Central and Simple-Talk. I’m the Author of “SQL Server Execution Plans” and “SQL Server Query Performance Tuning.” I helped co-Author “Query Store for SQL Server 2019”, “Expert Performance Indexing”, “SQL Server MVP Deep Dives 2”, “Beginning SQL Server 2012 Administration” and “Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices.”

I present at conferences and user groups around the world.

I am available for part-time, short-term, consulting contracts.

Since 2009 I have been awarded as a Microsoft SQL Server MVP. I have received the AWS Community Builder award for the last five years. In 2014 I was awarded as a Dunn & Bradstreet MVP. In 2011 I received the Tech10 Award in Rhode Island.

You can contact me through grant -at- scarydba dot kom (unobfuscate as necessary).

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