Search Results for: query+store

Spatial Index & Performance & Brain Pain

In my previous post, Spatial Data Hurts My Brain, I showed how a query used the spatial index, but hurt performance. Several people jumped in to try to help out. Thanks to Bob Beauchamin, Isaac Kunin, Gail Shaw, and Valerie Yakich (via Twitter). I've definately learned a bit more than I knew previously about spatial data and spatial indexes. I've posted about it before, but it bears repeating, if you're just starting out, I can't recommend Alistair Aitchison's book, Beginning Spatial with SQL Server 2008, enough. Here's where I'm at. I think I was confusing/confused/confounded/something about what to expect from a spatial index. I'm going to present two queries and two indexes and try to explain why each works well, or not together, mainly as a means for enabling my…
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Spatial Data Hurts My Brain

I'm still barely scratching the surface working with spatial data in SQL Server 2008. We've ported some of the data into a table where we built a geography spatial data column and we're begginning to work with point data. The requirements from the developers are, so far, very simple. They'll feed me a point and I find all the locations "close" to it. We had to go round & round on what defines "close" but finally settled on, I think, 15km. The query to answer a question like this is ridiculously simple (a few object names have been changed): SELECT ebe.[Location].STDistance(@Location) AS Distance, ebe.[InterestId], ebe.[Location].Lat AS Latitude, ebe.[Location].Long AS Longitude, ebe.[OrgId] FROM dbo.[ebe] AS ebe WHERE ebe[OrgId] = @OrgId AND ebe.[Location].STDistance(@Location) < @CloseDistance I'm not even hard-coding the "close" value…
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Database Screening Questions

With all the cool kids posting about beginners and interview questions, I thought I'd toss my favorites out there, from the brief-case gang point of view. These are the technical phone-screening questions I use after I look at a resume. There are only 10. They're simple. Stupid simple. Silly even. Yet, I can count on eliminating 4 out 5 people who have a resume that looks like a qualified DBA. I've seen people with 10 years experience fail on these questions. I'm only going to provide the questions. If you can't find the answers on your own, you're already disqualified: What is the difference between a clustered and non-clustered index? No, don't tell me that one is clustered and the other is not. I don't need specific low-level information on this, just…
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Unpacking the View

A view is simply a query that behaves something like a table. Most people know this. Most people also know that a view is simply a mask on top of what might be a very complex query. It all seems really simple. You call the view inside a simple query, the view runs the underlying complex query. Most people might not know that when a view is called and it gets sent to the optimizer, the optimizer unpacks the view and binds the component parts of the query necessary to create an execution plan that will return the data requested. What I didn't know until recently was that the optimizer is VERY smart. Not only does it unpack the query of the view, but it will change the query that…
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Three Kinds of Execution Plans

You read that correctly, three kinds of execution plans. You may have thought that all you had to deal with are estimated and actual, but there is one more. The estimated plan is the plan that comes out of the optimizer. It's based on statistics and indexes and known objects within the system. The actual plan is the plan that was used to execute the query and will show all the actual number of rows processed, etc. It might be different than the estimated plan because the stastics were off or for any number of other reasons. Those were the ones you knew about. There is also the plan that gets stored in the plan cache, the compiled plan. I lied. The compiled plan and the estimated plan are the…
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Book – “Execution Plans” code

This code is not in the same order as the book. A number of edits were done to the document after it was produced. USE [AdventureWorks]; GO --Listing 1 --Select --highlight this and click "Display Estimated Plan" on tool bar, right click & select from menu, --select from the Query menu above, or type CTL-L. SELECT * FROM [dbo].[DatabaseLog]; GO --Listing 2 --SelectJoin -- click "Include Actual Excecution Plan" on tool bar, highlight and execute SELECT e.[Title] ,a.[City] ,c.[LastName] + ',' + c.[FirstName] AS EmployeeName FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e JOIN [HumanResources].[EmployeeAddress] ed ON e.[EmployeeID] = ed.[EmployeeID] JOIN [Person].[Address] a ON [ed].[AddressID] = [a].[AddressID] JOIN [Person].[Contact] c ON e.[ContactID] = c.[ContactID] ; --Listing 3 --SelectJoin2 SELECT e.[Title] ,a.[City] ,c.[LastName] + ',' + c.[FirstName] AS EmployeeName FROM [HumanResources].[Employee] e JOIN [HumanResources].[EmployeeAddress] ed ON…
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Break Down Complex Execution Plans

I've seen this question posted in a lot places and I've seen the search come in to the blog: "How do you break down a complex execution plan?" The short answer; just like eating an elephant, one bite at a time. The longer answer... First you have to define what you mean by a complex execution plan. For example, I've seen 16 page stored procedures that consist of about 50 or more different statements executed in series (and I 've heard of worse). No single statement was very big, but trying to dig through all the statements to identify which may be causing slow execution was a problem. This is the easiest type of complex execution plan to solve. In SQL Server 2005 and 2008, when you turn on a graphical…
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SQL Inspect

I was asked if I would look at a new tool from a company I hadn't heard of. It's SQL Inspect from Yohz Software. Nominally this is a SQL query editor. However, strictly as a query editor, especially when compared to what's available in SQL 2008 or what tools like Red Gate's SQLPrompt or SQLRefactor can do for you, it's not so hot. Luckily, that's not where its strengths lie. Instead, it's all about performance tuning your queries and it does this very well indeed. It takes a query and returns a tree structured execution plan, looking a bit like the old text plans, but much more sophisticated with roll-ups, etc. It shows you all the details of the operations, just like an execution plan, but immediately accessible on the screen,…
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My name is Grant Fritchey. I have more than thirty years' experience in IT working in development and database administration. I work for Red Gate Software as a Product Advocate. I write articles for publication at SQL Server Central and Simple-Talk. I'm the Author of "SQL Server Execution Plans" and "SQL Server Query Performance Tuning." I helped co-Author "Query Store for SQL Server 2019", "Expert Performance Indexing", "SQL Server MVP Deep Dives 2", "Beginning SQL Server 2012 Administration" and "Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices." I present at conferences and user groups around the world. I am available for part-time, short-term, consulting contracts. Since 2009 I have been awarded as a Microsoft SQL Server MVP. I have received the AWS Community Builder award for the last four years. In 2014 I…
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