PASS Summit Day 2

I only half listened to the key notes. The party's the preceding night may have had something to do with it. First session was with Kalen Delaney on Plan Guides. She didn't really do plan guides though. Instead she talked about guiding plans. She is such a great presenter. I like her use of the language and precise definitions. Lubor Kollar (sp?) was in the room and made a point of standing up & addressing some of Kalen's info.  My best take away was that plan guides (she covered those too) do not reduce compile time and can in fact increase compile time. Second best was the use of plan guides as a mechanism for testing since you can apply the guide, enable & disable, without rewriting the proc. Sessions…
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PASS Summit: Tuesday Night Parties

I visited at three. I went to the Opening Night Reception hosted by the SIGs of course. I kept score in the quiz bowl (I wasn't informed math would be involved). Nice enough party. It was a big room, but we mostly filled it up. Went over to the SQL Server Central party next. Steve still puts on a nice shindig. I tried finding other SQL Server Central posters, but didn't track any others down except for GilaMonster (Gail Shaw). I put all my money on the craps table, 30:1, a single roll of the dice. I guess there is a reason those odds are so high. I had an invite to the Solid Quality Mentors party, so I went over there. It was a little overly crowded (I almost…
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In and Registered

Finally arrived in Seattle. The airline, to remain nameless (UNITED), didn't get my luggage on my flight (or anyone else flying out of Providence). Yay! Checked in to the hotel and registered at the Summit. The bag this year is disappointing in the extreme. They're clearly cutting costs, but, if it goes towards more speakers, presentations, better food, it's worth it.  Nice shirt though. Not a t-shirt this year, it's a golf shirt. I can wear that to work. Useful. Since I'm presenting, I got a speaker's gift. It's wicked cool. A 128gb mobile drive, engraved with PASS & my name. I expected a clock of some other equally useless chochki. I'm very happy to have something functional. Usual bag full of ads & flyers. The final issue of the…
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My Bags are packed, I’m ready to go

Not quite, but I am getting the final preperations done to fly to Seattle. The shuttle service is picking me up at 7:30 this morning. Then it's off to PASS. There's quite a line-up of speakers this year. The Tuesday pre-con's, which I can't attend because of the PASS Volunteer Training, look fantastic. It should be a good conference this year.
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