So you want to write a book

I had posted a while back on the process of book writing. It was an attempt to educate while scaring you half to death. Writing a book is extremely hard work, especially when you try to do it while holding down a full-time job and maintaining something resembling a life. Enough scare tactics though. My Apress editor, Jonathan Gennick, great guy, wrote a detailed overview of how to put together your book proposal. The overview is targeted at Apress, but that’s largely a question of formatting. The gist of the article, and the wisdom and excellent information within it, are going to be applicable to any & all publishers. Some of the stuff that really jumped out at me: You’re writing the proposal not only to sell the book idea,…
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I got my FreeCon. What's more, I did it in public and didn't get in trouble. FreeCon is the brain child of Brent Ozar (blog|twitter). Basically Brent gathered together a few bloggers & writers from the SQL Server community, some extremely well known, like Tom LaRock (blog|twitter), some in the middle, like me, and others that are clearly up & coming like David Stein (blog|twitter).  He jammed us all in a room and made us talk to one another. OK, that's a lie. He invited us out to this lovely little poetry space in Seattle the day before the PASS Summit was due to start, where we imbibed good food & coffee and had the opportunity to share a lot of great information with each other. The basic concept was…
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Un-SQL Friday: Branding?

Following in Midnight DBA's more interesting half new blog fest topic. My branding? I don't have a clue. There, I said it. Up until very, very recently, I've just been doing stuff. I haven't really even tried to think about what the plan was. Write a book? Sure, sounds like a cool challenge. Write another one? Well, the last one didn't kill me, OK. Start a blog. Jump on Twitter. Pick a Name. Could I pretty please present at PASS? I've been very focused on building my name, but I honestly never thought about my brand. It's just not something that occurred to me. Yes, I am that slow. Now recently, stuff has been happening and I'm suddenly concerned about it. I too went through FreeCon with Brent Ozar (blog|twitter).…
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SQL Server Team-Based Development

The new book is available in a free download from Red Gate. I had a lot of fun working on the three chapters that I did for this book. The topics I received are near & dear to me because of all the time I've spent working on getting databases into source control and automating (as much as possible) the deployment of databases out of source control. Everything I go over in the book might not be 100% applicable to your situation, but I'm pretty sure almost anyone involved in database development and deployment can find some useful information there. For those who are interested, I don't just cover Red Gate tools in the book either. There's quite a bit of time spent describing how to automate deployments using Visual…
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ScaryDBA Blog Reboot

After all the conversations at FreeCon last week (more on that later, when I've assimilated it better), I finally decided to make some changes. The list of things I'm hitting is extremely long, but I'm going to be going through them a few at a time. First, and easiest, was getting moved off the WordPress domain to my own, hosted, domain. You're seeing the results. This is the new ScaryDBA blog. I suspect the theme may change once or twice over the next week, but basically, all the functionality that has been added, better feeds, conversation tracking, other stuff, will remain. Thank you for visiting in the past. I intend to provide you with plent of reasons to visit in the future.
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PASS Summit: Day 2 Keynote

Misc, PASS
Today is Kilt Day at the PASS Summit. We're going to try to arrange a group photo at lunch time. The network connection is extremely slow. I suspect the tweeting about the kilts. Bill Graziano is leading the key note and he started off with having all the kilted stand. Only about 12-15 of us, but that's five times better than last year. Then it was time for the volunteers to stand up. It was excellent to see so many people. The Outstanding Volunteer of the Year was Lorie Edwards. The PASSion award went to Wendy Pastrick, who really earned it. Unfortunately the next segment was on governance... blech! But necessary. Everyone here is a member, so they should know how the money is spent. Luckily Bill is not digging…
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TSQL Tuesday: Why Are DBA Skills Necessary

  Quote: "Database stuff, all this programming stuff, is easy. Anyone can do it. That's why everyone in the company has sa privileges." For nine months, I worked in an environment where everyone, from developers to QA to the sales people to the receptionist, had SA privileges. You know what? DBA skills are necessary. I speak from the point of view of someone that has had to recover a server after a salse person helpfully "cleaned up the temporary stuff on the server" by dropping tempdb, causing a late deployment for a client. I speak from the point of view of the guy who kept a window open on his desk with the database restore script ready to run, all day long, because of "accidents" that stopped development until I could get the…
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Speaking at SNESSUG

I'll be presenting tonight at the Southern New England SQL Server Users Group (SNESSUG). The topic is "Using DMVs as a Shortcut to Query Tuning." It's a practice run for my spotlight session at the PASS Summit, so if you can't make it to the Summit, you should swing by Rhode Island.
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Links From Twitter

Normally, I try to stick to posting technical info or community stuff on the blog, but there were a couple of links from Twitter today that are too good not to share. First, an interesting take from Tom LaRock on the issue around the lack of quality DBA's. He suggests that it's actually a lack of quality managers. Go read it & comment there. Second, this is Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Please, please please understand that before you click on this link. It's a hilarious discussion about NoSql. Put on headphones & give it a listen. Back to your regularly scheduled blog posts...
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In the Clouds

The July meeting for the Southern New England SQL Server Users Group is tonight. Andrew Novick will be talking about SQL Azure. It'll be a great meeting. Our sponsor is Red Gate. They bought pizza.
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