Delivering the Bad News

It's a Friday, the day governments & companies traditionally deliver bad news. I recived the bad news earlier in the week, but I'm passing it on now: The Standard is dead. Let me first say, a couple of authors are right in the middle of finishing up articles. Those will be completed and published and you'll get paid. Andy sums up some of the reasons why the Standard failed very nicely in his blog post. I agree with them, if not where the responsibility lies. Andy takes most of it on himself because, well, he's that kind of guy, may the gods bless him. But, the fact is, I took on the job and just wasn't prepared for what it would entail. The "editing" part of the job was hard.…
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SQL Server Standard: Volume 7, Issue 3

FINALLY! It's not like Don Gabor had the article done in January or anything...oh wait. He did have the article done in January. However, it looks like we might be breaking the log jam and we'll be publishing a number of SQL Server Standard issues. Anyway, do you want to learn how to talk techie to non-techies? You do? That's excellent because I've got a fantatic article by Don Gabor (blog), just for you. Please go and read it.
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SNESSUG 4/14/2010

Misc, Visual Studio
Tonight's Southern New England SQL Server Users group is sponsored by Idera. Our presenter is Scott Abrants of Iron Mountain. He's talking about deploying databases using Visual Studio Team System:Database Edition. We have a good turnout with 12 people (yeah, we're small). Scott's presentation was a lot of fun and very informative. He's very involved with automating his deployments to a fare-thee-well. He really has Visual Studio dancing and singing. It was a very thorough overview of the VSTS:DBE soltuion. Other user groups should be jealous that we got to see this presentation.
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Southern New England SQL Server Users Group

Tomorrow, Wednesday April 14th, is the next SNESSUG meeting. We're going to get a great presentation from Scott Abrants on using Visual Studio Team System for database deployments. I saw Scott presenting this at SQL Saturday:Boston to a packed room. If you didn't get to see it then, come on down to Rhode Island tomorrow evening. You won't be sorry.
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Seacoast SQL Users Group

Tomorrow is the Seacost SQL Server User's Group inaugural meeting. I'll be presenting a session called "Understanding Execution Plans." It's my introductory session on execution plans and I love giving it. Please come by and support this new user group. Mike Walsh (blog | twitter), the new user group president, is under the impression I draw a big crowd. While that isn't true, please show up anyway just so that Mike has a successful first meeting. I promise a bit of free stuff. Remember, interactivity is bribed encouraged.
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Renewed as an MVP

I received my renewal notice and, after checking the message header, it is April 1st, I got very happy. I'd try to wax poetic about this, but I just read Paul Randal's (blog | twitter) comments on the fact that he and Kimberly Tripp (blog) were just renewed. As in lots of things, he did a better job than I can in describing exactly what this means.
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SNESSUG March Meeting

Misc, SQL Server
Aaron Bertrand showed up to teach us tips and tricks for SQL Server Management Studio. We had to move our meeting night because of a conflict at our wonderful host, New England Tech. But we still had 12 people show up. For SNESSUG, that was a good turnout. I gave away some swag that I had received from Microsoft and some stuff that we had purchased. Bribary works (at least that's my theory, so feel free to bribe me, whenever). Aaron's presentation was great. He's just showing nothing but meat. There's no fluff. He's just showing a series of tips & tricks in SSMS and explains why you want to use them. First revelation, -nosplash has no effect whatsoever on load time. He called it a placebo. It just kept…
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Blog Anniversary

Two years old. In March of 2008 I received a whopping 96 visits. I'm up to 1900 so far this month. I'd call that a positive growth trend. Thanks for stopping by, especially if you've been here more than once.
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Who the heck is MacGyver? Television program you say? Hang on. I need to visit Oh, the late eighties... Yeah, I wasn't watching TV in the late eighties. Actually I didn't own a TV in the late eighties. But reading a few of the plot lines (you guys watched this?) I get the idea. Nuts. I don't think I'm MacGyver. Can't we just buy something to fix the problem? Honestly, the only thing that comes to mind was the time when I needed to get alerts when jobs failed, but I couldn't install DBMail on the server because our admin types didn't want mail clients on our machines. What to do? Use event forwarding. Instead of setting up the mail client on a server, I got it installed on a…
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So You Want to Write a Book?

What the heck is wrong with you? Still interested? Fine. I'll tell you my take on this whole business. I'm only an expert on this if you take the adage that the expert is the guy that's a page head of you in reading a book. To date I have published two full books and three chapters in a third. I can easily think of enough people who all have more experience than that with book writing that I'd have to take off both shoes to count them all. Is anyone still reading? Cool. So you have the desire to write a book? Let me pop your first bubble. You will make very little money. This bears repeating. You will make very little money. If you were to figure out your hourly…
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