T-SQL Tuesday #166: Wrap-up

SQL Server
Once more, my apologies for being late on getting the T-SQL Tuesday announcement out. I have no excuse. However, our extended event on Extended Events (yes, I'm the third person to make this joke, yes, I'm blatantly stealing) still has several entries, so let's talk about them. Let's get mine out of the way. I was simply curious what the search engines revealed when I asked a pretty common question: how do you identify slow queries? What I found was, the answers on most search engines to this question are old, very old. Not to say wrong, but since many of them were created before a working version of Extended Events (let alone Query Store) was released, how could they tell you. On to actually good posts. One of my…
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T-SQL Tuesday #166: Why Not Extended Events?

SQL Server
With 165 T-SQL Tuesday events, two, just two, this one, T-SQL Tuesday #166, and another one back in 2018 or 2019 (I forget and I'm far too lazy to go look) have been on Extended Events. At conferences I'm frequently the only one doing sessions on Extended Events (although, sometimes, Erin Stellato is there, presenting a better session than mine). I did a session at SQL Konferenz in Germany earlier this week on Extended Events. Hanging out in the hallway at the event (which was great by the way), I was talking with some consultants. Here's their paraphrased (probably badly) story: "I was working with an organization just a few weeks back. They found that Trace was truncating the text on some queries they were trying to track. I asked…
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T-SQL Tuesday #166: Extended Events

When I was put on the list to host September's T-SQL Tuesday, well, I forgot to put it in my calendar. So I'm late (and in the doghouse with Steve). Because of this, I'm going to bend the rules a little (sorry Steve) and give you a few days to get your posts together. In theory, they're all due tomorrow, Tuesday, September 12. However, let's say they're all due by the end of the day on Thursday, September 14th. My apologies for being tardy. I'll still post a roundup on Friday. So, what's the topic for T-SQL Tuesday. Well, it's in the title, Extended Events. Let's talk about it. Why Extended Events? As anyone who has read my blog or books, or seen me speak, you'll know that I've got…
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