Search Results for: azure+data+studio

Opening a Twitch Channel, Data Wisdom

I want to let you know that I'm starting a channel on Twitch. You'll be able to see it here. I'm going to start doing regular live events on Fridays, probably around 10AM. Topics will range from query tuning, to GDPR, to Redgate, to Azure Data Studio, pretty much the same as the blog. I'll also take requests on topics and will host live Q&A periods during the sessions so you can ask about anything, whether it's part of that day's topic or not. Additionally, I intend to host live videos at events. I have two coming up in a few weeks, SQL Konferenz and SQLBits. I'll do live sessions at these events so that you can, even if you're not there, take part in them. I'll have interviews with…
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DevOps and Visual Studio

The hardest part about implementing DevOps is not the tools you choose, but the processes you use to make DevOps work. That said, you do need to think about the tools you're going to use to automate those processes. Frequently the emphasis is on third party tools, but it doesn't always have to be. Microsoft's Visual Studio has a number of tools that you can use to automate your DevOps methods. Visual Studio Team Services Connecting a project into Team Services opens up the world of DevOps pretty handily. You can host this all locally and do an install to a server to support it. With more and more of us working with teams that span continents and oceans, it probably makes more sense to use the online version. There's…
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Database Fundamentals #2: SQL Server Management Studio

The best way to learn any software is to start using it. There are a bunch of software tools in the SQL Server toolbox, but the biggest and most important is SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS). SSMS is where you'll spend most of your time when you start to work with SQL Server. It provides a very large series of graphical user interfaces for creating databases, setting up security, reading data out of the database, and all sorts of other things within your SQL Server instances, the databases stored there, and all the stuff inside those databases. It also supplies you with an interface to the basic scripting language of SQL Server, through which you can do almost anything to the server. The scripting language is called Transact Structured Query…
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Database Fundamentals #1: Install SQL Server

To get started with SQL Server, you need to install it. However, I'm not going to teach you how to do a SQL Server install. Instead, I want to point you towards a couple of sources of information, and, give you some alternatives to installing SQL Server. Install SQL Server As much as I enjoy sharing information with you through this blog, and despite the fact that I read a lot of other technology blogs and other resources online, the single best source of information on SQL Server remains Microsoft and their SQL Server Documentation. This information is up to date and very well maintained. Yes, I'm sure you can find somethings to complain about in there, but overall, it's the starting point for all SQL Server learning and understanding.…
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Azure SQL Data Warehouse Execution Plans

Azure SQL Data Warehouse can sometimes feel like it's completely different from SQL Server, but under the covers, it is still (mostly) SQL Server and it does have execution plans. Let's take a look at one. I've created a new SQL Data Warehouse using the sample database available on the portal, AdventureWorksDW. Here's a query against that database: SELECT dd.FullDateAlternateKey AS OrderDate, dc.LastName, SUM(fis.SalesAmount) AS SumSalesAmount FROM dbo.FactInternetSales AS fis JOIN dbo.DimDate AS dd ON fis.OrderDateKey = dd.DateKey JOIN dbo.DimCustomer AS dc ON dc.CustomerKey = fis.CustomerKey GROUP BY dd.FullDateAlternateKey, dc.LastName HAVING SUM(fis.SalesAmount) > 5000.0 ORDER BY OrderDate DESC; If I attempt to capture an execution plan using the SQL Server Management Studio GUI, nothing happens. If I try to use T-SQL commands, I get an error that those commands are…
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Azure SQL Database Error

I was on SQL Cruise where I was scheduled to present a session on Azure SQL Database. I recorded all my demonstrations before we went to sea, but, I planned to attempt to try live demo's. Yeah, yeah. Well, anyway, I got a unique error when I attempted to connect: Forced connection closes from remote host That's a partial message from the whole error. I don't have a good screen capture. I wasn't able to find anything on it through Ging searches, but this week I was at Microsoft for a training course on Azure. I asked the room. The rough answer is (paraphrasing): The IP address I was attempting to connect from is not is not on the approved list Interesting. I didn't realize there were blackout zones. The really…
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Loading Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Ouch. Let's start with the level set. I'm not an ETL expert. In fact, I haven't done any professional ETL work for several years. My skills are, at best, rusty. With this in mind, I knew I'd have a hard time extracting data from a local database in order to move it up to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. I expected to be fumbling and slow and to constantly feel more than a little stupid as I made one mistake after another. All of this came to pass. Yet... OMG! THAT WAS DIFFICULT! Here's how I started. I defined a bcp command for the tables I was interested in. I ensured it was working correctly, then wrote a little PowerShell script so I could supply a list of tables and get…
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SQL Server Management Studio – Footloose and Fancy Free

That's right. There's been a divorce. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has been divorced from the server product. In fact, Microsoft is inviting you to the new SSMS coming out party. I'm pretty excited about this. While I'm very comfortable in SSMS, to a large degree, it's like that old pair of jeans that you've worn for the last 10 years. They're comfortable too. Well, maybe a little tight when you pull them on out of the wash. One of the knees is gone. The legs are frayed so much it almost looks intentional. You just noticed a hole in the bottom. The zipper is acting up... Yeah, OK. These jeans have had it. So has SSMS. The plan from Microsoft is to upgrade SSMS independently from the boxed product. In fact, since one of…
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Get Started with Windows Azure SQL Database

Learning new things can be daunting. First, you have to come up with the spare time. Then you have track down resources. For computers, computing and programming, this is both extremely easy and extremely difficult. That difficulty is especially true when it comes to gathering resources for learning things that, while you learn, are potentially going to cost you money. It's a difficult decision to make to risk cash on exploring a new technology. Here's the good news, for several reasons, you don't need to sweat this to get going with Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD). A couple of years ago Jamie Thompson (b|t) set up an account on Azure, all on his own, that allowed people to connect up to it and play with a copy of the AdventureWorks…
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Azure for Prototyping and Development

Psssttt! Developers. Man, have I got something good for you. Are your DBAs slowing down your development processes? Are they keeping you from flying down the track? Bypass them. Let's assume you're working in the Microsoft stack. Let's further assume you have an MSDN license. Guess what? That gives you access to Azure... hang on, come here. You want to hear this. Let me tell you a quick story. See, I'm not a developer (not anymore). I'm a DBA. Wait, wait, wait. I'm on your side. It's cool. I'm just like you guys, but in a different direction. See, I had a database designed and already up as a Windows Azure SQL Database. I'm working with a number of Boy Scouts on their Eagle projects. They're going around to all…
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