Search Results for: change management

What Happens On AWS RDS?

I was talking with some developers from my team about monitoring, and I said, "We all use the same tools," referring to other monitoring software. Then, it hit me. How is AWS collecting monitoring data on it's RDS servers, specifically, the SQL Server instances. So, I set out to determine what happens on AWS RDS when it comes to the native monitoring. The Setup This part should be as obvious as it is easy. I'm going to use Extended Events. I've written before about how AWS RDS supports Extended Events, so I won't repeat all that here. I'll just leave you with the session I'm running to see what happens on AWS RDS: CREATE EVENT SESSION [ExEventTesting] ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed, ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_completed ADD TARGET package0.event_file (SET filename…
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Learning PostgreSQL: The Tools

In case you don't know, I've been writing a series of articles over on Simple-Talk as I learn PostgreSQL. It's all from the point of view of a SQL Server person, expanding into a new technology. In other words, a true story. I thought I'd take a moment here on my own blog to talk about the tools I'm using and why I chose those. AWS RDS Let's establish up front, I'm lazy. Very lazy. So yeah, I'm trying to learn this new technology, but I'm going to find as many ways to use the knowledge, skills & tools I already have as I can. Now, I first started learning PostgreSQL because I wanted to learn more about how Flyway works. Further, as I also needed to learn how to…
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Database Fundamentals #31: Unique Constraints from the GUI

In the last few Fundamentals posts you were introduced to a couple of ways to limit and control the data stored in the tables in your database. A primary key won’t allow a duplicate value. A foreign key won’t allow a value to be added that doesn’t already exist in the parent table and it will prevent data from being deleted. These are types of constraints on data in your database. There are a bunch of other ways to constrain the data in an effort to ensure that the data stored is exactly what the business needs. The next few Fundamentals posts will cover several methods of limiting data. Unique Constraints to Stop Duplicates When the concept of the primary key was introduced earlier in the series, two different types…
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Azure Data Studio Intellisense

I recently saw a question about the Azure Data Studio Intellisense: "Why won't intellisense in Azure Data Studio work with different schemas?" Immediately I thought, "Wait, it does." But, testing is your buddy. Azure Data Studio Intellisense Azure Data Studio Intellisense is on by default. Also, I like it a little better than the one in SSMS because it will start trying to help you, as you type (like a 3rd party software I can't live without). However, they're partly right. Let's say I want 'Person.Address' so I start typing like this: It doesn't know that I have a table named 'Person.Address'. It's trying to be helpful. You can even see how it's doing a form of wild card search, suggesting that maybe 'db_accessadmin' is what I want since it…
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Database Fundamentals #29: Create Foreign Keys With Table Designer

The purpose of a foreign key is to ensure data integrity by making sure that data added to a child table actually exists in the parent table and preventing data from being removed in the parent table if it’s in the child table. The rules for these relationships are not terribly complex: The columns in the two tables must be the same data type, although, if SQL Server can automatically, and correctly, convert the data you can get away with different data types. But don’t do that. It’s begging for an issue. Keep them the same and you won’t have any problems.The child values can be nullable, which means that any child data is unknown.The child data can also be required, meaning that you have to have the relationship, no…
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Azure SQL Database Automatic Tuning

I really like the automatic tuning aspect of Azure SQL Database. This post is not a full explanation and demo. Instead, I want to point out a small point of management in the portal and your ability to configure Automatic Tuning. Configure Automatic Tuning You can configure Automatic Tuning within the Azure portal one of two ways. First, you can configure it with your server: You can inherit the values from Azure, or manually define them. Regardless of your choice, if you look at the server, you can see that your automatic tuning is configured: This is true on the server, whether I make changes to the configuration, or, just take the defaults as I did. My confusion is on the databases. Let's look at one: If we look at…
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Database Fundamentals #24: More Filtering Data

In this Database Fundamentals post we continue discussing the functionality of the WHERE clause. We started with the basics of the logic using things like AND, OR and LIKE or '='. Now, we'll expand into some other areas. Functions in the WHERE clause SQL Server provides you with all sorts of functions that can be used to manipulate strings, modify dates or times or perform arcane mathematical equations. The problem with these is that if you do them on columns in tables it can lead to performance issues. The trick then, is to not perform functions on the columns in the tables. We’ll cover this in more detail when we get to indexing, variables, and parameters. Just don’t get into the habit of putting functions on the columns in your…
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Extended Events: Live Data Explorer, Getting Started

One reason a lot of people don't like Extended Events is because the output is in XML. Let's face it, XML is a pain in the bottom. However, there are a bunch of ways around dealing with the XML data. The first, and easiest, is to ignore it completely and use the Live Data window built into SQL Server Management Studio. I've written about the Live Data window before, and I've been using it throughout this series of posts on Extended Events. There's a lot more to this tool than is immediately apparent. Today, we're going to explore the basics around this tool Live Data There are two easy ways to get the Live Data window open. The first, for any Extended Event session that's running, you can right click…
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Extended Events: system_health and a Long Running Query

Wouldn't it be great to just quickly and easily take a look at your system to see if you had any queries that ran for a long time, but, without actually doing any work to capture query metrics? Oh, yeah, I can do that right now, and so can you. All we need is something that is built into every single server you currently have under management (sorry, not Azure SQL Database) that is SQL Server 2008 or better: system_health system_health Extended Event Session The system_health Extended Events session is very well documented by Microsoft here. I've talked about it before, in relation to Azure SQL Database, and, on the same topic we're going over today, long running queries and waits (cause if you have a long running query, you…
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Extended Events: Database Auditing

Extended Events can do things that simply are not possible with Profiler and another example comes from the stack of audit events that exist only in Extended Events. One of these is a set of expanded events for database auditing. Comparing the list of things exposed through Extended Events to those exposed through Trace/Profiler isn't entirely fair. All new functionality is only in Extended Events since Trace hasn't been updated since 2008. However, these events that you can use to audit your database, aren't new functionality, they're just new events for watching old functionality. The addition of new events is just one more reason why moving to use Extended Events is a must. Auditing Databases In this instance, when I say audit the database, what I mean is keep an…
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