Search Results for: change management

PowerShell Script for Creating Indexes

I needed to create an identical index on a bunch of tables within one of my projects (yes, I know this is problematic on multiple levels and I'm working on that too). Rather than sitting around typing this up, I decided to use PowerShell to do the work for me. I'm still very much learning how to do things in PowerShell so this took me almost as long as it would have to type them up, but now I know more than I did. Having gone through the pain of trying to find a good example on the web that did exactly what I wanted (they're out there, just hard to find), I decided I'd add this one in so the next person had at least one more source of…
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The Other Server

I had a fun support call I need to share. A developer called up to tell me that a particular dev instance was offline. He informed me that the server SQL08\DEV01 (the names have been changed to protect the innocent) server was completely inaccessible. I knew that multiple development teams would shortly be calling and that I'd better get on this issue most riki-tik. I quickly typed the connection string into Management Studio and watched in confusion as the server instance popped up on my screen. It was fine. I did a number of checks, looking for active connections, recent connections, errors in the log, indications of a recent reboot... Nothing. I called the developer back and told him that the server was fine. He called me again in two…
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Record of a PSS Call

Not everyone has the opportunity to call Microsoft Premier Support. For those who have not yet had this experience, I'll document my most recent, non-critical, call. Critical calls are a different critter entirely. We were experiencing a very odd error on one server in our system. When a particular procedure was run with a particularly large set of data, it would produce an error, but only when called from the application. The exact same error with exactly the same data called from SSMS did not produce an error. We went through a very extensive set of tests and were unable to fix the problem on the server. After moving the production system that was experiencing the issue to a different server, we decided to contact PSS. 8:48 Am, Tuesday: I made the…
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PASS Tuesday Key Note – Part 3

Now up is Ted Kummert of Microsoft. He's giving us a good overview of some of the technology coming up. He's showing us his Top 5 reasons to be at PASS You are part of the world's largest gathering of SQL Server Professionals - way too true. why aren't you here? You can take your questions directly to the "Source" - Yes, this is very useful We've got Wayne & Rushabh - Instead of Arnold Schwarzenneger at the Oracle conference. Eh You can work hard & play hard at Gameworks - Oh lord, we're in a DOT COM. Please no. You will build skills & knowledge on the #1 Database in the world - Yes. Most of these are pretty good reasons to be here. #1 and #5 especially. The Information…
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Identifying Frequently Running Queries

It's not enough to look at the longest running query. What if you have two queries, one runs for 5 minutes and the other runs for 5 seconds. Which do you tune? The first one, of course. But, let's add a little information to our thought experiment. The one that runs for 5 minutes is called 2AM, your local time, when there are almost no users on the system and the one that runs for 5 seconds is called 40 times a minute all day long. Now, which one do you tune? That's right, suddenly that 5 second query takes on a HUGE significance based on how often it's called. But how do you know how often a query is called? The easiest way to gather that information is not…
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When did this statement start?

UPDATE: This post is incorrect. Adam nailed it in the comments. I explain my mistake here. A question came up over at SQL Server Central where someone was wondering if it was possible to know when a given statement within a batch started. Immediately I thought, oh yeah, that's easy, use the sys.dm_exec_requests dynamic management view (DMV). Done. Wrong. The original poster pointed out that I had assumed that the values present in the DMV represented statement level values, but they show the batch. While the DMV shows a start_time, that time is the start of the current batch, not the statement within the batch. Now the question was, where else might I get this data? I next tried sys.dm_exec_sessions because it has the last_request_start_time value. Sure enough this worked. Don't…
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Spatial Data Hurts My Brain

I'm still barely scratching the surface working with spatial data in SQL Server 2008. We've ported some of the data into a table where we built a geography spatial data column and we're begginning to work with point data. The requirements from the developers are, so far, very simple. They'll feed me a point and I find all the locations "close" to it. We had to go round & round on what defines "close" but finally settled on, I think, 15km. The query to answer a question like this is ridiculously simple (a few object names have been changed): SELECT ebe.[Location].STDistance(@Location) AS Distance, ebe.[InterestId], ebe.[Location].Lat AS Latitude, ebe.[Location].Long AS Longitude, ebe.[OrgId] FROM dbo.[ebe] AS ebe WHERE ebe[OrgId] = @OrgId AND ebe.[Location].STDistance(@Location) < @CloseDistance I'm not even hard-coding the "close" value…
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VSTS:DB More on Composite Projects

It occurred to me, all the searches coming by looking for information on composite projects in VSTS:DB, maybe instead of wondering how it's done you're wondering why it's done. In the GDR release there are three kinds of projects you can create; database, server, partial. Database and Server projects are created directly through the VS GUI as new projects and I covered that a bit in the last post. Partial projects are something different. Partial projects are pieces of structure or code, for example a tally table, that you want to share across multiple projects. Partial projects are created by accessing the object or objects you want to define as a partial project in the Solution Explorer. Right click on the object(s) and select Export As Partial Project. This creates a…
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SQL Quiz Part 2

Gee, thanks TJay. I have apparently been tagged to take part in a quiz started by Chris Shaw. It's an experiment in learning where a series of people answer the same question, hopefully spreading some useful knowledge. The question: What are the largest challenges that you have faced in your career and how did you overcome those? This is tough. You could answer based purely on technical issues, what was my toughest technical challenge. You could talk about career issues, tough bosses, ignorant co-workers, incompetent subordinates, clueless clients. You could also talk about shifting jobs as companies fail or are mismanaged or you move. You could also talk about missed opportunities, when you faced the large scale challenges and didn't quite rise to the occasion. Anyway... My Answers) 1) My…
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PASS Volunteer Training 2008 – Part 1

While it's called training, the PASS volunteer "day" is much more a report on the current status of the organization and planning for the next year. Today we had good start. Pat Wright went over the org chart, something new to PASS volunteers this year. Kevin Kline went over the history of the organization, including a few stories (ask him about escorting an attendee off site because of way too public a display of self-love). Lots of interesting information has come out. PASS is run under international rules as a non-profit which requires it to maintain ~20% of it's operating expenses in the bank. Regional conferences are under consideration (although, as was pointed out, internationally, they're already underway). The C&C management company performs the day-to-day operations above & beyond what…
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