Search Results for: query store

Presentations for SQL Server Beginners

[caption id="attachment_2548" align="alignleft" width="300"] Tired from all those blog posts[/caption] For my final blog post in the #gettingstarted, #iwanttohelp series, I decided to curate a set of presentations from the PASS Virtual Chapters. This content is available online. It's free. Most importantly for the person just getting started as a SQL Server data pro, it's good. I'm going to marry each of the presentations with my eleven blog posts in this series. The Importance of a Full Backup in SQL Server For this one I'm going to recommend Tim Radney's session Understanding SQL Server Backup and Restore. I know Tim personally and guarantee this is a good session. Why Is The Server Slow Jes Borland is a very close personal friend and an absolutely outstanding presenter (and person). She has…
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Correlated Datetime Columns

SQL Server is a deep and complex product. There's always more to learn. For example, I had never heard of Correlated Datetime Columns. They were evidently introduced as a database option in SQL Server 2005 to help support data warehousing style queries (frequently using dates and times as join criteria or filter criteria). You can read up on the concept here from this older article from 2008 on MSDN. However, doing a search online I didn't find much else explaining how this  stuff worked (one article here, that didn't break this down in a way I could easily understand). Time for me to get my learn on. The concept is simple, turning this on for your database means that dates which have a relationship, the example from MSDN uses OrderDate and…
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Use The Correct Data Type

Blog post #5 in support of Tim Ford’s (b|t) #iwanttohelp, #entrylevel. Read about it here. Saying that you should use the correct data type seems like something that should be very straight forward. Unfortunately it's very easy for things to get confusing. Let's take a simple example from AdventureWorks. If I run this query: SELECT a.ModifiedDate FROM Person.Address AS a WHERE a.AddressID = 42; The output looks like this: 2009-01-20 00:00:00.000 Normal right? You see the year, the month and the day followed by the time in hours, minutes, and seconds as a decimal. Ah, but there is an issue. This query is supposed to be for the reporting system, and the business only cares about the date that the values in the Person.Address table have been modified, so they don't want…
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A View Is Not A Table

Blog post #4 in support of Tim Ford’s (b|t) #iwanttohelp, #entrylevel In SQL Server, in the T-SQL you use to query it, a view looks just like a table (I'm using the AdventureWorks2014 database for all these examples): SELECT * FROM Production.vProductAndDescription AS vpad;   SELECT vpad.Name, vpad.Description, vpmi.Instructions FROM Production.vProductAndDescription AS vpad JOIN Production.Product AS p ON p.ProductID = vpad.ProductID JOIN Production.vProductModelInstructions AS vpmi ON vpmi.ProductModelID = p.ProductModelID WHERE vpad.ProductID = 891 AND vpad.CultureID = 'fr'; The above query actually combines two views and a table. This is what is commonly referred to as a "code smell". A code smell is a coding practice that works, but that can lead to problems. In this case, we're talking about performance problems. The performance problems when using views to join to…
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Loading Data into Azure SQL Data Warehouse

Ouch. Let's start with the level set. I'm not an ETL expert. In fact, I haven't done any professional ETL work for several years. My skills are, at best, rusty. With this in mind, I knew I'd have a hard time extracting data from a local database in order to move it up to Azure SQL Data Warehouse. I expected to be fumbling and slow and to constantly feel more than a little stupid as I made one mistake after another. All of this came to pass. Yet... OMG! THAT WAS DIFFICULT! Here's how I started. I defined a bcp command for the tables I was interested in. I ensured it was working correctly, then wrote a little PowerShell script so I could supply a list of tables and get…
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Restoring a Database in Azure

One of the many small things you don't have to worry about any more when working with Azure SQL Database are those pesky backups... Ha-ha-ha! Yeah, I can't keep a straight face when I type it. Microsoft takes on the role of DBA and creates backups and log backups for you when you're working in the Platform as a Service offering of Azure SQL Database. If that doesn't scare you, I'm not sure what will. However, there's good news. There are still ways for you to create your own backup (through the bacpac, I outlined it here, years ago). More good news is, Microsoft's backups actually work. Testing it out is easy. Let's walk through it once. I'm going to assume you have an Azure account on which you already…
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Generating Estimated Plan and the Plan Cache

Does generating an Estimated Plan cause that plan to be loaded into the plan cache? No.   What? Still here? You want more? Proof? Fine. Let's first run this bit of code (but please, not on your production server): DBCC FREEPROCCACHE(); That will remove all plans from cache. Now, let's take this query and generate an Estimated Plan (CTL-L from your keyboard or by clicking on the "Display Estimated Execution Plan" button on the toolbar): SELECT * FROM Production.ProductModel AS pm; This will generate a trivial plan showing a scan against the Production.ProductModel table. Now, let's run another query: SELECT deqs.plan_handle FROM sys.dm_exec_query_stats AS deqs CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(deqs.sql_handle) AS dest WHERE dest.text = 'SELECT * FROM Production.ProductModel AS pm;'; That's just an easy way to see if a plan_handle exists.…
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Simple Parameterization and Data Types

Simple paramaterization occurs when the optimizer determines that a query would benefit from a reusable plan, so it takes the hard coded values and converts them to a parameter. Great stuff. But... Let's take this example. Here's a very simple query: SELECT ct.* FROM Person.ContactType AS ct WHERE ct.ContactTypeID = 7; This query results in simple parameterization and we can see it in the SELECT operator of the execution plan: We can also see the parameter that was defined in use in the predicate of the seek operation: Hang on. Who the heck put the wrong data type in there that's causing an implicit conversion? The query optimizer did it. Yeah. Fun stuff. If I change the predicate value to 7000 or 700000 I'll get two more plans and I…
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Understand the True Source of Problems

There's an old joke that goes, "Doctor, doctor, it hurts when I do this." While the person in question swings their arm over their head. The doctor's response is, "Don't do that." Problem solved, right? Well, maybe not. Let's take a quick example from life. I do crossfit (yeah, I'm one of those, pull up a chair I'll tell you all about my clean & jerk progress... kidding). I've been experiencing pain in my shoulder. "It hurts when I do this." But, I'm not going to stop. I've been working with my coach to identify where the pain is and what stretches and warm-ups I can do to get around it (assuming it's not a real injury, and it isn't). In short, we're identifying the root cause and addressing the…
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Statistics and Natively Compiled Procedures

Statistics are one of the single most important driving factors for the behavior of the query optimizer. The cardinality estimates stored within the statistics drive costing and costing drives the decision making of the optimizer. So, how does this work with the new SQL Server 2014 natively compiled procedures? Differently. In-memory tables do not maintain their statistics automatically. Further, you can't run DBCC SHOW_STATISTICS to get information about those statistics, so you can't tell if they're out of date or not or what the distribution of the data is within them. So, if I create some memory optimized tables, skip loading any data into them and then run this standard query: SELECT a.AddressLine1, a.City, a.PostalCode, sp.Name AS StateProvinceName, cr.Name AS CountryName FROM dbo.Address AS a JOIN dbo.StateProvince AS sp ON sp.StateProvinceID =…
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