State of the Database Landscape Survey 2023

As data professionals, of any stripe, we should, as much as we can, where we can, base our decisions on data. After all, in theory anyway, we’re the experts at making that possible for others. We should lead the way on it.

However, how do you know how others are implementing, oh, I don’t know, cloud migrations, or multi-platform database management? What kind of success are they having? Where are they facing challenges?

Well, one mechanism for answering these questions this is to simply ask.

State of the Database Landscape Survey 2023

Yep. That’s exactly what we’re doing. We’re asking you, and your peers, how you’re doing. More, we’re asking you how you’re doing it. Please, help us out. Follow this link and fill out your information.

Whether you’re literally Jeff Moden and have forgotten more about how all this stuff works than many of us will ever know, or you’re barely starting your first intern gig, we’d love to hear from you. Are you running 100% on-premises SQL Server? Cool. Tell us that. You just completed moving off of Oracle to PostgreSQL hosted by Azure? Neat. Give us the details.

Here’s the good news. We’re going to share the data we collect. Yeah, we’ll clean it up a bit so we don’t share PII, but we’re going to give the data we collect right back to you. You’re not helping Redgate (well, some) and you’re not helping your peers (well, more of that too), you’re literally helping yourself. Give a little info, get a lot more in return.

Also, please, share this blog, or just the survey, with your peers, even your peers at the same organization. They may have radically different views and experiences. May as well find out.

So, please take part in the State of the Database Landscape Survey 2023. It’s appreciated. And you’ll have more and better data to help you with your day-to-day decision making and maybe even career management.

Thank you!!

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