Extended Events and Stored Procedure Parameter Values

One complaint I’ve received frequently is that you can’t see stored procedure parameter values in Extended Events. That is patently not true. However, it does depend on where and how you capture the events and which stored procedure parameter values you’re going for. I think this is a holdover from 2008 when Extended Events… well, let’s be kind and say… didn’t work well. Now, they do. Let’s explore this a little.

Capturing Stored Procedure Executions

As with most things, there’s more than one way to capture stored procedure execution in Extended Events. First up, it depends entirely on how they’re called and on your intentions when you capture the information. Here are the three methods I know to capture just the completion metrics on stored procedure calls:


The first, rpc_completed, is exactly the same as the equivalent trace event and captures stored procedure calls from invoked code. Straight forward. The second, sql_batch_completed, captures batch commands, but these can contain stored procedure calls, even with invoked code if the invoked code is using sp_execute_sql to call procedures (yeah, maybe not the best way to write code, but when did that slow people down much). Finally, there’s module_end. Now this event is a little different. It captures stored procedures, sure, but also captures functions and other things. It’s very useful, but a little different. The duration metrics returned for this, for example, only include internal execution time, not any kind of communication times. This means you’ll see differences between module_end and the other events as we go through this (and in your own code).

Here’s the session I’m going to use:

CREATE EVENT SESSION StoredProcedureParameterValues
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.module_end
    (SET collect_statement = (1)
     WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2017')),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.rpc_completed
    (WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2017')),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sp_statement_completed
    (WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2017')),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_batch_completed
    (WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2017')),
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed
    (WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2017'))
    ADD TARGET package0.event_file
    (SET filename = N'C:\PerfData\StoredProcedureParameterValues.xel')

Yeah, I’m capturing statement level events and I’m tracking causality. I’ll explain why in a bit.

Capturing Stored Procedure Parameter Values

In order to test this, we have to execute a stored procedure. Here is a stored procedure:

CREATE OR ALTER PROC dbo.ProductTransactionHistoryByReference (@ReferenceOrderID INT)
    SELECT p.Name,
    FROM Production.Product AS p
        JOIN Production.TransactionHistory AS th
            ON th.ProductID = p.ProductID
    WHERE th.ReferenceOrderID = @ReferenceOrderID;

Using that procedure, here’s a way to execute it with a parameter value:

EXEC dbo.ProductTransactionHistoryByReference @ReferenceOrderID = 1255;

Here are the results laid out neatly in Live Data:

Click on that to make it larger. What you’ll see is, in order of completion, an sp_statement_completed event followed by module_end event, followed by sql_statement_completed and then sql_batch_completed. This demonstrates the order that would occur from execution of a stored procedure in a batch. If you look at the last event, the batch execution, you can see the parameter value. However, I know this will not satisfy people because, sure, it captures the strings executed in batches, but what about when you do remote procedure calls. Well, hang on. Before we get to that, take a look at the module_end event’s statement column. I’ll paste it here for you:

EXEC dbo.ProductTransactionHistoryByReference @ReferenceOrderID = 1255

I may be wrong, but that sure looks like I captured the stored procedure parameter value to me. However, we should test it to be sure. Oh, and, note that the execution time for the module_end is very different for the sql_batch_completed event. After executing this procedure using PowerShell, here are the results:

The first rpc_completed event you see in the sequence there is an artifact from my PowerShell code and doesn’t have any bearing on these proceedings. I left it in so that it didn’t look like I was hiding things. Now, look at the last line, the rpc_completed event. You’ll see this:

exec dbo.ProductTransactionHistoryByReference @ReferenceOrderID=41750

I have again captured the stored procedure parameter value.

What About Wrapper Procedures?

Now, let’s create another procedure that looks like this:

CREATE PROC dbo.Wrapper @OrderID INT
EXEC dbo.ProductTransactionHistoryByReference @ReferenceOrderID = @OrderID;

That’s an extremely simplistic example of a wrapper proc. If we execute that, the extended events come back like this:

We have several more events this time because of the nature of the execution. Two different stored procedures were executed therefore we get module_end and sp_statement_completed events for each. Then, because I called this procedure from a batch, we also get the batch statement and batch completed events. However, note that the internal call does not show the stored procedure parameter value that was passed to it. It’s not in either the statement or the module events. This is the one place where I don’t know how to capture the stored procedure parameter value.

Also of note here, you can see exactly the order of events because I’m using causality tracking. It adds a GUID and a sequence. That sequence lets me see the order of events. It has an overhead cost associated with it, but I find myself gleefully paying that overhead in order to get that kind of information.

What About Profiler?

Well, obviously Extended Events are horrible and we should just use Profiler instead. What about Profiler, or more accurately, Trace Events? Can we get the stored procedure parameter values out of a wrapper procedure using Trace Events?

To test this, I set up a set of Trace Events using the equivalent events. Here are the results:

I don’t know about you, but I can’t see any stored procedure parameter values in the output of Trace Events either.


The most important thing I can say is, yes, extended events captures stored procedure parameter values. Further, I didn’t really do anything special to capture these values. I just captured the standard events and I had them. From what I can tell, this is the same behavior as you get in Trace. For those who have said that capturing stored procedure parameter values is the one showstopper preventing them from moving to Extended Events, time to pack.

I’m sorry to say that this is your final chance this year to attend my all-day seminar on query performance tuning tools. I’m thrilled to say that it’s in Munich on October 26, 2018. Go here now to join the class.

14 thoughts on “Extended Events and Stored Procedure Parameter Values

  • tim

    thanks only question is will this work with standard statement (SSIS for instance) having an issue trying to find out what parms got passed on an update statement, sometimes could be an SP other times SSIS. I have an event that captures when and by who but does do the parm values yours does

    • So this is explicitly capturing parameters from a stored procedure call. If that call is from SSIS or any other source, the answer is the same as what I outlined here. However, if we’re talking about T-SQL batches instead of stored procedures, then that’s a completely different behavior and requires different mechanisms of capture. Specifically for batches there is sql_batch_started, sql_batch_completed and various statement level events that will capture the explicit T-SQL within the batch. That means you can see values passed (note: those are not parameters any longer because that only applies to prepared statements such as stored procedures).

  • Jan David Narkiewicz

    In your script you add this event twice (good article — I obviously made use of your script so thanks):
    ADD EVENT sqlserver.sql_statement_completed
    (WHERE (sqlserver.database_name = N’AdventureWorks2017′))

  • Behnam

    Hello Grant, I saw your youtube video too, thanks for sharing the knowledge. Is there anyway to parse these logged sql_texts? I mean what If I want to extract each parameter value individually from each logged sp call?

    • Hello! I answered over there as well. Just a little delayed. Sorry about that.

      You’d simply have to strip the values out of the text. To my knowledge they’re not stored in an independent fashion that would let you more easily pull them out.

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