The GDPR and You

Professional Development
Ever heard of the General Data Protection Regulation? If not, go and read the Wiki. I'll wait. I can already hear what you're thinking. "Grant, this doesn't apply to me because my company is in the <insert non-EU country here>." How do I know you're thinking that? Because every single person with whom I've brought this up has had the same response. You might want to go back and re-read it. Data Subject There are three terms from the GDPR that you need to know. The first is Data Controller. This is any organization or individual that collects data from the Data Subject. If the Data Controller is located in the EU, then you're subject to the new regulations. Yes, I know, this means you don't have to worry. Hang…
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Extended Events and Profiler: XE Profiler

SQL Server 2017
There's a war on in the SQL Server world. On the one side is Profiler (although, really, everyone uses Trace Events). On the other, the "new" (they came out in 2008 with a full GUI in 2012, so...) Extended Events. Lots of people have picked sides on this, including Microsoft. New Trace Events There are none. All the new functionality of every sort from Availability Groups to Query Store to R & Python, have Extended Events created for them. Trace Events, and the technologies supporting them in the form of Profiler, are a dead end. Don't fear. While Trace is on the deprecation list, there doesn't appear to be any fear of that technology being removed completely. At least it won't be removed in the foreseeable future. A future which,…
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Inside My PASS Summit

As you read this, I'm in Seattle for the PASS Summit 2017. I have four roles that I satisfy at Summit; Vendor through my glorious employer Redgate Software, Board Member of the PASS organization, Speaker, and Attendee. Let me tell you about my Summit that's coming up. What is PASS? But first, a word from... well, they're not a sponsor of this blog in any way, but PASS and the community that creates and runs it made my career what it is today. PASS is the single largest organization in the world today supporting training, networking and knowledge sharing in and around the Microsoft Data Platform. The organization runs Local Groups around the world that offer free training all year round. PASS supports SQLSaturday events globally. There are also Virtual…
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PASS Summit and Redgate Software

Redgate Software
Next week is the PASS Summit. I'm so excited about it I could pop. Part of why I'm excited is because Redgate always does so much fun stuff at Summit. I'm presenting sessions, Steve Jones and our latest (and probably greatest) new team member, Kathi Kellenberger are also presenting sessions. This year is we're also going to be throwing a great party. Stop by the booth, talk to a Redgater (me included) and we'll get you a ribbon for the #redgaterocks party. It's taking place on Thursday, November 2nd at 1927 Events, 1927 3rd Ave. We'll have a bunch of our people at the booth ready and willing to show of all the cool new software we've been working on. If you're at PASS Summit, please track me down in the…
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Database Fundamentals #14: Modifying Data Through SSMS

Database Fundamentals
I've said it before, but I feel I should repeat myself. Using the SSMS GUI for data entry and data manipulation is not the preferred mechanism. T-SQL is the right way to manipulate the data in your database. For purposes of completion though, I will show the GUI methods in this blog series. Information doesn’t go into the database and stay there, unchanged, forever. Data is modified. This occurs because information changes, such as when a person marries and changes their name, or information was incorrectly entered, in which case you need to fix it, or just about anything else. You have to have a mechanism for modifying existing information. Modifying Data You start modifying data in the tables the same way you did the insert, by taking advantage of…
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Database Fundamentals #13: Data Entry Through T-SQL

Database Fundamentals
T-SQL provides lots of functions that help to make data entry through T-SQL much more powerful. Over time you won’t be typing everything into T-SQL directly as we’ll do here. You’ll be able to use stored procedures and parameters to automate the use of scripts. These will also be generated or used by applications. To  start using T-SQL, you need to open a query window. You can do this by right clicking on a database and selecting the “New Query” command from the context menu. This will open a new query window in the main window on your screen. This is basically just a big, open text box into which you can type commands. The INSERT Statement To add rows using T-SQL, the principal statement is the INSERT statement. The…
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Database Fundamentals #12: Adding Data with SSMS GUI

Database Fundamentals
In the previous Database Fundamentals, I argued that you should be learning T-SQL, yet the very next post I'm showing you how to use the GUI. What's up? Why the GUI? It's a very simple reason. I want to show you what it is so that I'm not hiding things. However, showing it to you will quickly expose the weaknesses inherent in using the SSMS GUI for direct data manipulation. It's a poor choice. However, we'll understand how it works at the end of this post. I'll also cover it in other posts, showing how to UPDATE and DELETE data using the GUI. They will further illustrate the weaknesses. You will however know how it works. Data Entry through the GUI If you are not already connected to the server,…
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Azure, PowerShell, Databases and the PASS Summit

Azure, PowerShell
I am quite honored to say that I am speaking at the single largest and most important Microsoft Data Platform conference in the world, PASS Summit 2017. Now, I'm excited to say that I get to speak on three topics that are near and dear to my heart, Azure, PowerShell and databases. The session is called Using PowerShell to Manage Your Azure Databases. You can read the abstract there at the link. I'm going to go through a whole bunch of the database types on Azure and show how you can manage each. I'm not sticking to SQL Server. We'll cover MySQL, Cosmos and others. Let's get together and talk about these topics. Azure adoption is growing like mad. You're going to need to automate it, so PowerShell is your…
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Database Fundamentals #11: Why Learn T-SQL

Database Fundamentals
If you've been following along with the previous 10 Database Fundamentals blog posts, you have a SQL Server installed and a database with a table in it. You may have more if you've been practicing. Now would be the time to start adding data to the database, but first, I want to talk about the importance of T-SQL Why T-SQL? The way SQL Server accepts information is very different than most programs you’re used to using. Most programs focus on the graphical user interface as a mechanism for enabling data entry. While there is a GUI within SQL Server that you can use for data entry, and I will do a blog post on it, the primary means of manipulating data within SQL is the Transact Structured Query Language, or…
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