Tribal Awards: Vote Now!

The #tribalawards voting is now online. Get over there and get it done.

I honestly don’t care who you vote for because that is a great list of wonderful people in every single category. But if I were to pick one category, in which I’m nominated, that I’d like to win, it’s Person You’d Like to Have a Beer With. So please at least consider making me happy. Then, next time I’m presenting in your area, we could share a frothy beverage and you can claim credit for my win which will result in my being forced to buy a round. See, it absolutely works out in your favor.

But seriously, well, as serious as I can be when one of the categories is Best Karaoke, I think the people who have been nominated over there all deserve to win, so I can’t possibly tell you to vote for one over the other, including the categories where I’m nominated. Just go and vote.

And thank you to all my SQL Family who put my name forward. I’m quite humbled by the honor.

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