Interviewing a DBA

I'm not a fan of trivia style interview questions. Yes, I ask a few because you have to in order to immediately eliminate the completely unqualified applicants. Even those types of questions, in my opinion, need to be focused on concepts and not syntax. The reason we have the Books Online with SQL Server is because you shouldn't have to memorize every possible command along with all their parameters. Want to know how to write a MERGE query? Look it up. What does a MERGE query do? That you ought to know. I think concepts are important. Questions about the recovery models within SQL Server aren't trivia about the system, they're trying to get to your understanding of how point in time recovery works. I don't really like posting interview…
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PASS Elections 2012

Yeah, it's that time again. And we have a magnificent slate of people running. I mean truly amazing and wonderful people. I personally know each and every one of them. I've worked with them or watched them work on projects over the years. PASS has a true embarrassment of riches this time. Which... is problematic for me. I know them all. I respect them all, but I have to pick and choose... I can't do it. I really can't. Yeah, I'll finally vote. I ultimately put pen to paper (or, really, click on some boxes on the screen) and make my mark. I believe in democratic processes and every vote really does count. And if you're voting, regardless of who you vote for, your vote is not "thrown away." That only happens…
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Conference in Florida: SQL Server Live

This conference is new to me. In case it's new to you, I thought I'd take a moment to point it out. Mostly because I'll be presenting there and I love talking to anyone who has actually read any of the blather I post on my blog. If you want to get together in the land of sunshine in December (don't tell Mrs. Scary but I'm looking forward to this one, winter in New England is awful), then click here to register. If you do it now you save $500, so it's a good time to take care of it. I'll be presenting two different sessions. One is on backups and restores for the accidental DBA. I'll go over the important stuff to get you started protecting your company's data…
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SQL Server vs. Oracle

PASS, Redgate Software, SQL Server, T-SQL
Just so we're clear, I use SQL Server. I like SQL Server. But, this doesn't mean I have anything against Oracle. It's fine. It's good. But, I know very little about it. However, throughout my career I've found myself needing to understand it better. Either because I'm trying to train Oracle people to better use SQL Server and I need to be able to speak a little of their language to facilitate translation. Or, because I'm defending SQL Server on some technical point that the Oracle people don't completely understand. Or, because I've said something stupid about Oracle in my ignorance. Now, you know how busy you are, and I know how busy I am, so I doubt either of us has the time we really need to learn Oracle…
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