All Day, Training Day at SQLBits

Azure, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, T-SQL
It's a somewhat late addition, but I have an all-day Training Day at SQLBits. It takes place on Thursday, February 28th. You can read all about it on the SQLBits web site. I want to take a moment here to expand on the information that we're going to cover. I think the abstract does a good job of conveying what we'll be doing all day, but I figured a little more detail won't hurt. Query Tuning is Hard This is the very first thing I talk about. Query tuning is hard. I've got a nearly 1,000 page book on the topic, which should give you an idea of just how much material there is to cover. With the training day I've decided to focus on the tools that Microsoft gives…
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SQLBits Public Sessions

SQL Server
If you're over in the UK, or close to it, you've probably heard of SQL Bits even if you haven't attended. If you're across the pond here in the US or somewhere else you may have heard of SQL Bits, but few of you have gone. Well, let me tell you, from everything I've heard, this is a community event you want to find your way to. So, I'm trying. This is my first time submitting to this outstanding event and I really want to go. But, in order to make the cut, I need your help. They base who presents on community feedback. This means you go over and vote. You'll have to have a SQL Bits login, but if you're even thinking about attending you're going to have…
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