Actual Execution Plan Costs

Why don't "actual execution plans" have "actual execution plan costs"? This is a question and a myth I have to fight against all the time. It's so hard to convince people that all execution plans are estimated plans in the first place (by the way, all execution plans are estimated plans). If we execute a query at the same time we capture a plan, we have enabled SQL Server to also capture run-time metrics with that plan. So we end up with what is known as an actual plan, but it's still just an estimated plan plus those run-time metrics. Execution Plan Costs When you look at a given operator within an estimated plan, it's going to show you four numbers related to cost: Estimated CPU Cost Estimated I/O Cost…
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Measuring Query Execution Time: What Is Most Accurate

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, T-SQL, Tools
Probably the single most important factor when deciding which query to tune, or actively tuning a query, is how you go about measuring query execution time. SQL Server provides a number of different mechanisms (really, maybe too many) to get this done. However, all measures are not created equally. In fact, they frequently disagree with one another. Let's take a look at this odd phenomenon. Measuring Query Execution Time Before we get into all the choices and compare them, let's baseline on methodology and a query to use. Not sure why, but many people give me blow back when I say "on average, this query runs in X amount of time." The feedback goes "You can't say that. What if it was just blocking or resources or..." I get it.…
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Analyze Actual Execution Plan

SQL Server
One of the many new sets of functionality introduced in SQL Server Management Studio 17 is the new option "Analyze Actual Execution Plan." If Microsoft continues down this path, there will be a lot of useful functionality at some point. If you haven't yet looked at Analyze Actual Execution Plan, well, read on. Analyze Actual Execution Plan To get to the new functionality, you have to have an Actual Execution Plan open within SSMS 17. After that, it's just a matter of right clicking to bring up the context menu: If you select the menu choice, then a new window opens at the bottom of the execution plan, showing each of the batch statements in one tab, and some interesting stuff in the next tab: You can click that to…
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What Is The Preferred Join Operator in SQL Server?

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017, T-SQL
I schedule many of my blog posts at least 2-3 weeks out, so I have time to adjust them, change, them, insert new things into the schedule, what have you. So, as you read this, I'll have written it at least two weeks ago. As I write this, I'm recovering from a very mild, but irritating, cold. I needed to write a blog post, but my stuffed head wasn't coming up with ideas. So, I half-jokingly asked Twitter for any execution plan questions so I could write something. First response, also a joke, was the question at the title of this post: What is the preferred operator when joining tables: Hash Match, Nested Loops or Merge? While my immediate response to this question is, yes. Meaning, they're all preferred, situationally.…
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When Simple Parameterization…Isn’t

SQL Server 2017
I'm desperately working to finish up a new version of my book on Execution Plans. We're close, so close. However, you do hit snags. Here's one. My editor decided to change one of my queries. I used a local variable so that I got one set of behaviors. He used a hard-coded value to get a different set. However, the really interesting thing was that his query, at least according to the execution plan, went to simple parameterization. Or did it? Simple Parameterization The core concept of simple parameterization is easy enough to understand. You have a trivial query using a hard-coded value like this: SELECT * FROM Person.Person AS p WHERE p.BusinessEntityID = 42; The resulting execution plan looks like this: The initial, graphical, pointer that we're seeing parameterization…
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Execution Plan Shortcoming in Extended Events

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017
I use Extended Events almost exclusively for capturing query metrics. They are the most consistent and lowest cost mechanism for getting the time and resources used by a query. They can be filtered, combined with other events, they're just marvelous... until you capture an execution plan. Execution Plans in Extended Events Don't get me wrong. Capturing execution plans with Extended Events is the way to go if you're attempting to automate the process of capturing plans on specific queries on an active system. It's step two that bugs me. So, we capture the plan. Here's an example script. Captures all the various plans and the batch, puts 'em together using causality tracking: CREATE EVENT SESSION ExecutionPlansOnAdventureWorks2014 ON SERVER ADD EVENT sqlserver.query_post_compilation_showplan (WHERE ( sqlserver.database_name = N'AdventureWorks2014')), ADD EVENT sqlserver.query_post_execution_showplan (WHERE…
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Execution Plans and the GDPR

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017
What? Execution plans and the GDPR? Is this it? Have I completely lost it? Well, no, not on this topic, keep reading so I can defend myself. GDPR and Protected Data The core of the GDPR is to ensure the privacy and protection of a "natural person's" information. As such, the GDPR defines what personal data is and what processing means (along with a bunch of additional information). It all comes down to personally identifying (PI) data, how you store it, and how you process it. More importantly, it's about the right for the individual, the natural person, to control their information, up to and including the right to be forgotten by your system. OK. Fine. And execution plans? Execution Plans and PI Data If you look at an execution…
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Every Single Execution Plan is an Estimated Plan

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, SQL Server 2017
All the execution plans are estimated plans. All of them. There fundamentally isn't any such thing as an "Actual" plan. Where Do You Get Execution Plans? There are a lot of sources for execution plans. You can capture them using extended events (or, if you must, trace). You can capture them through the Management Studio gui. You can also capture them from the SQL Operations Studio gui. You can query the cache through the DMVs and pull them in that way. You can look at plans in query store. All these resources, yet, for any given query, all the plans will be identical (assuming no recompile at work). Why? Because they're all the same plan. Each and every one of them is an estimated plan. Only an estimated plan. This…
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Youtube Channel Update

Hello, I just wanted to take a moment to promote the work I've been doing with the YouTube Channel. I've published four videos in the last week. The most popular was an introduction to the GDPR: [embedyt][/embedyt] I'll be talking about that quite a bit more in the coming weeks. I thought this video which shows you how to compare plans in SQL Server Management Studio would be more popular: [embedyt][/embedyt] However, this one showing wait statistics in execution plans seems to be getting more hits: [embedyt][/embedyt] Finally, my comparison between the mistaken missile alerts in Hawaii and database design fell over flat. No one was all that interested: [embedyt][/embedyt] I hope these videos are proving as useful to you as the blog posts I do…
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Runtime Metrics In Execution Plans

SQL Server 2016
Capturing query execution metrics is much easier now that you can see the runtime metrics in execution plans when you're using SQL Server 2016 SP1 or better in combination with SQL Server Management Studio 2017. When you capture an actual plan (using any method), you get the query execution time on the server as well as wait statistics and I/O for the query. Fundamentally, this changes how we can go about query tuning. Runtime Metrics To see these runtime metrics in action, let's start with a query: SELECT p.LastName, pp.PhoneNumber, pnt.Name FROM Person.Person AS p JOIN Person.PersonPhone AS pp ON pp.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID JOIN Person.PhoneNumberType AS pnt ON pnt.PhoneNumberTypeID = pp.PhoneNumberTypeID WHERE pnt.PhoneNumberTypeID = 3; We'll run this query and capture the Actual Execution Plan using SSMS 2017. The changes…
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