Stored Procedures Are Not Faster Than Views

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
A performance tuning tip I saw recently said, "Views don't perform as well as stored procedures." <sigh> Let's break this down, just a little. Definitions A view is nothing but a query. The definition given by Microsoft is that it's a virtual table that's defined by a query. It's a query that is used to mask data or perform a complex join or similar behaviors. Views are queries that get stored in the database. Views can be easily referred to as if they were a tables. That's it. I've written in the past about views, including how they can possibly perform poorly. A stored procedure is also a query, or a series of queries, or, a whole lot more. Microsoft's definition of a stored procedure basically defines it as programming object that can accept input through…
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A View Is Not A Table

Azure, SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
Blog post #4 in support of Tim Ford’s (b|t) #iwanttohelp, #entrylevel In SQL Server, in the T-SQL you use to query it, a view looks just like a table (I'm using the AdventureWorks2014 database for all these examples): SELECT * FROM Production.vProductAndDescription AS vpad;   SELECT vpad.Name, vpad.Description, vpmi.Instructions FROM Production.vProductAndDescription AS vpad JOIN Production.Product AS p ON p.ProductID = vpad.ProductID JOIN Production.vProductModelInstructions AS vpmi ON vpmi.ProductModelID = p.ProductModelID WHERE vpad.ProductID = 891 AND vpad.CultureID = 'fr'; The above query actually combines two views and a table. This is what is commonly referred to as a "code smell". A code smell is a coding practice that works, but that can lead to problems. In this case, we're talking about performance problems. The performance problems when using views to join to…
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Views and Simplification

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
I've been getting lots of questions on views lately. Must be something in the water. Because SQL Server allows you to treat a view as if it was a table, lots of people pretty much assume that it is a table since they get to treat it that way. The thing is, a view is not a table. It's a query. Let's explore this just a little bit. Here's a relatively straight forward view: CREATE VIEW dbo.PersonInfo AS SELECT a.AddressLine1, a.City, a.PostalCode, a.SpatialLocation, p.FirstName, p.LastName, be.BusinessEntityID, bea.AddressID, bea.AddressTypeID FROM Person.Address AS a JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress AS bea ON a.AddressID = bea.AddressID JOIN Person.BusinessEntity AS be ON bea.BusinessEntityID = be.BusinessEntityID JOIN Person.Person AS p ON be.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID; GO I can query this view like this: SELECT * FROM dbo.PersonInfo AS pni…
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Unpacking the View

SQL Server, T-SQL
A view is simply a query that behaves something like a table. Most people know this. Most people also know that a view is simply a mask on top of what might be a very complex query. It all seems really simple. You call the view inside a simple query, the view runs the underlying complex query. Most people might not know that when a view is called and it gets sent to the optimizer, the optimizer unpacks the view and binds the component parts of the query necessary to create an execution plan that will return the data requested. What I didn't know until recently was that the optimizer is VERY smart. Not only does it unpack the query of the view, but it will change the query that…
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View vs. Table Valued Function vs. Multi-Statement Table Valued Function

About five years ago, I was checking an app before it went to production. I hadn't seen the app before then and a junior dba had worked with the developers designing and building the app. It didn't use a single stored procedure or view. Instead, it was built entirely of multi-statement UDF's. These UDF's called other UDF's which joined to UDF's... It was actually a very beautiful design in terms of using the functions more or less like objects within the database. Amazing. It also would not, and could not, perform enough to function, let alone scale. It was a horror because they thought they were done and ready to go to production, but no one had ever tested more than a couple of rows of data in any of…
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