Runtime Metrics In Execution Plans

SQL Server 2016
Capturing query execution metrics is much easier now that you can see the runtime metrics in execution plans when you're using SQL Server 2016 SP1 or better in combination with SQL Server Management Studio 2017. When you capture an actual plan (using any method), you get the query execution time on the server as well as wait statistics and I/O for the query. Fundamentally, this changes how we can go about query tuning. Runtime Metrics To see these runtime metrics in action, let's start with a query: SELECT p.LastName, pp.PhoneNumber, pnt.Name FROM Person.Person AS p JOIN Person.PersonPhone AS pp ON pp.BusinessEntityID = p.BusinessEntityID JOIN Person.PhoneNumberType AS pnt ON pnt.PhoneNumberTypeID = pp.PhoneNumberTypeID WHERE pnt.PhoneNumberTypeID = 3; We'll run this query and capture the Actual Execution Plan using SSMS 2017. The changes…
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Query Store and Optimize For Ad Hoc

SQL Server 2016
I love presenting sessions because you get so many interesting questions. For example, what happens with Optimize for Ad Hoc when Query Store is enabled? Great question. I didn't have the answer, so, on to testing. For those who don't know, Optimize for Ad Hoc is a mechanism for dealing with lots and lots of ad hoc queries. When this is enabled, instead of storing an execution plan the first time a query is called, a plan stub, basically the identifying mechanisms, for the plan is stored in cache. This reduces the amount of space wasted in your cache. The second time the query is called, the plan is then stored in cache. I'm going to set up Optimize for Ad Hoc and Query Store and, to clean the slate,…
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Finding Your Query in Query Store

Azure, SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
Query Store is pretty amazing. I'm loving working with it. I think it's likely to change how query tuning will be done in the future. Lots of people are probably going to just use the reports and tools in SQL Server Management Studio. However, a pretty healthy chunk of us will start using the system views in order to programmatically access the information stored in Query Store. One of the first things you're going to want to do is track down your query. The primary views you'll want are sys.query_store_query and sys.query_store_query_text. They join together based on the query_text_id. Let's take four scenarios and see if we can retrieve the correct query. First up, an ad hoc query: SELECT e.NationalIDNumber, p.LastName, p.FirstName, a.City, bea.AddressTypeID FROM HumanResources.Employee AS e JOIN Person.BusinessEntityAddress AS…
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Removing All SQL Server Query Store Data

Azure, SQL Server 2016
While setting up example code for my presentation at SQL Cruise (which is going to be a fantastic event), I realized I wanted to purge all the data from my Query Store, just for testing. I did a series of searches to try to track down the information and it just wasn't there. So, I did what anyone who can phrase a question in less than 140 characters should do, I posted a question to Twitter using the #sqlhelp hash tag. Jamey Johnston (t|b) came through... and it was right there in the documentation that I had been reading, over and over. In fact, it was in the documentation in two different places. Reading is clearly a problem for me today. Just so that you know, it's actually really easy:…
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SQL Server Management Studio – Footloose and Fancy Free

Azure, SQL Server
That's right. There's been a divorce. SQL Server Management Studio (SSMS) has been divorced from the server product. In fact, Microsoft is inviting you to the new SSMS coming out party. I'm pretty excited about this. While I'm very comfortable in SSMS, to a large degree, it's like that old pair of jeans that you've worn for the last 10 years. They're comfortable too. Well, maybe a little tight when you pull them on out of the wash. One of the knees is gone. The legs are frayed so much it almost looks intentional. You just noticed a hole in the bottom. The zipper is acting up... Yeah, OK. These jeans have had it. So has SSMS. The plan from Microsoft is to upgrade SSMS independently from the boxed product. In fact, since one of…
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