ANSI Connection Settings

SQL Server, T-SQL
It’s reasonably well known that you can get different execution plans if you change the ANSI connection settings. But the question comes up, fairly often, how do you know what the settings are. It’s actually surprisingly simple. They’re stored right inside the execution plan, but they’re in one of the operators that most people ignore. Heck, I used to ignore this operator. Which operator is it you ask? Let’s find out. Let’s use AdventureWorks2008R2 (because I’m lazy). We’ll call one of the stored procedures there like so: EXEC dbo.uspGetBillOfMaterials @StartProductID = 0, -- int     @CheckDate = '2011-03-10 02:31:39' – datetime If you execute this with “Include Actual Execution Plan” enabled you’re likely to end up with the following execution plan: Don’t worry about the fact that you can’t really…
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Spools in Execution Plans

SQL Server, T-SQL
I got the question the other day, when are you likely to see a spool in an execution plan? Easy, whenever SQL Server needs to walk through the data multiple times, usually in JOIN operations... Yeah, well, once again, my flip answers are not quite the entire story. Spool operations are temporary storage of the data for later reuse in a query plan. There are two types of spool operations, eager spool and lazy spool. A spool is basically a temporary table created within the execution of the query that is used when it's likely that data will be needed again, and again during the execution of the query. This is not an explicit #temp temporary table, but a work table for operations within the processing necessary for a given query's…
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