Two Clustered Indexes?

SQL Server
Everyone knows that you only get a single clustered index, right? Wouldn't it be great though if you could have two clustered indexes? Well, you can. Sort of. Let's talk about it. Two Clustered Indexes First I'm going to create a table: DROP TABLE IF EXISTS dbo.od; GO SELECT pod.PurchaseOrderID, pod.PurchaseOrderDetailID, pod.DueDate, pod.OrderQty, pod.ProductID, pod.UnitPrice, pod.LineTotal, pod.ReceivedQty, pod.RejectedQty, pod.StockedQty, pod.ModifiedDate INTO dbo.od FROM Purchasing.PurchaseOrderDetail AS pod; With that in place, let's start with a clustered index: CREATE CLUSTERED INDEX TestCIndex ON od (ProductID); And, a query to test with: SELECT od.PurchaseOrderID, od.PurchaseOrderDetailID, od.DueDate, od.OrderQty, od.ProductID, od.UnitPrice, od.LineTotal, od.ReceivedQty, od.RejectedQty, od.StockedQty, od.ModifiedDate FROM dbo.od WHERE od.ProductID BETWEEN 500 AND 510 ORDER BY od.ProductID; This results in the following execution plan: OK. Well done, Grant. That's how a clustered index works. The…
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The Clustered Index Is Vital To Your Database Design

Azure, SQL Server, SQL Server 2016
This is post #9 supporting  Tim Ford’s (b|t) initiative on #iwanttohelp, #entrylevel. Read about it here. You get one clustered index per table. That bears repeating, you get one clustered index per table. Choosing a clustered index is an extremely important and fundamental aspect of all your SQL Server work. The one clustered index that you get determines how the data in your table is stored. Because the clustered index determines how your data is stored, it also determines how your data is retrieved. Much of SQL Server is engineered around the clustered index because it is such a foundational object for the rest of all behavior. Without a clustered index, the data in your table is stored in what is called a heap. It is essentially a pile, a heap, of data,…
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Clustered Indexes Have Statistics Too

SQL Server, T-SQL
It may seem obvious, but I've heard more than one person suggest to me that statistics on a clustered index just don't matter. That if the clustered index can satisfy a given query, it's going to get selected. That just didn't make any sense to me, but I haven't seen anyone set up a test that shows how it might work one way or the other. Here you go. First, I'm going to create a table and load it up with data. I'm intentionally using strings because I don't want to confuse the ease of management of integers within indexes. I also went for one column that would have a very attractive set of statistics and one that would have a very ugly set. Also, because we're only dealing with…
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Never, Ever Use Clustered Indexes

SQL Server
This whole concept of the clustered index as a foundational structure within SQL Server is just plain nuts. Sure, I get the concept that if a table has a clustered index, then that index actually becomes the table. When you create a clustered index on a table, the data is now stored at the leaf level of the Balanced Tree (b-tree) page distribution for that index, and I understand that retrieving the data using a seek on that index is going be extremely fast because no additional reads are necessary. Unlike what would happen with a non-clustered index on a heap table. Yes, I get that if I store my data in a heap, the only way to access the data is through the Index Allocation Mapping (IAM)  pages that…
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Which SELECT * Is Better?

SQL Server, T-SQL
The short answer is, of course, none of them, but testing is the only way to be sure. I was asked, what happens when you run ‘SELECT *’ against a clustered index, a non-clustered index, and a columnstore index. The answer is somewhat dependent on whether or not you have a WHERE clause and whether or not the indexes are selective (well, the clustered & non-clustered indexes, columnstore is a little different). Let’s start with the simplest: SELECT    * FROM    Production.ProductListPriceHistory AS plph; This query results in a clustered index scan and 5 logical reads. To do the same thing with a non-clustered index… well, we’ll have to cheat and it’ll look silly, but let’s be fair. Here’s my new index: CREATE NONCLUSTERED INDEX TestIndex ON Production.ProductListPriceHistory (ProductID,StartDate,EndDate,ListPrice,ModifiedDate); When I…
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SQL University–Recommendations for a Clustered Index

SQL Server, T-SQL
Welcome, SQL University Students to another extension class here at Miskatonic University, home to the Fighting Cephalopods (GO PODS!). Never mind the stains on the floor, or the walls…or those really nasty ones on the ceiling. There was a… oh what did the dean call it… an incident last week when one of the students had a little accident after reading Die Vermiss Mysteriis one too many times. But we’re not here to talk about arcane tomes and unspeakable horrors today. No, today we’re here to talk about clustered indexes. SQL Server storage is really predicated around the idea of clustered indexes. Don’t believe me? Let’s list a few places that require a clustered index: Partitioning. A table in SQL Azure In order to create XML indexes What about the…
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