Search Results for: trace+flag

OPTIMIZE FOR Hints When Parameter Sniffing is Turned Off

While presenting recently and talking about dealing with bad Parameter Sniffing, I got the question; what happens to OPTIMIZE FOR hints when parameter sniffing is disabled? This is my favorite kind of question because the answer is simple: I don't know. Parameter Sniffing For those who don't know, parameter sniffing is when SQL Server uses the precise values passed into a query as a parameter (this means stored procedures or prepared statements) to generate an execution plan from the statistics using the value from the parameter. Most of the time, parameter sniffing is either helping you, or is not hurting you. Sometimes, parameter sniffing turns bad and hurts you quite severely. Usually, but not always, this is because you either have severely skewed data (some data is very different than the rest, lots…
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Same Query, Different Servers, Different Performance. Now What?

Based on the number of times I see this question on forums, it must be occurring all the time. You have two different servers that, as far as you know, are identical in terms of their options and setup (although not necessarily in terms of power, think a test or pre-production system versus production). On these servers you have a database on each that, as far as you know, is the same as the other in terms of options, objects, maybe even data (although, this does mean that you have unmasked production information in your QA environment, which potentially means you're going to jail, might want to address this, especially now that I've told you about it, mens rea, you're welcome). On each database you run, as far as you know, the exact same query (whether…
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Parallelism and Columnstore Indexes

Columnstore indexes are fascinating and really cool. Unfortunately, they're adding an interesting new wrinkle to an old problem. What's the Cost Threshold for Parallelism set to on your server? If you just said "The whatsis of whositz?" then the value is 5. The cost threshold is the point at which the estimated cost of an execution plan goes from definitely serial to possibly parallel. This default was set for SQL Server 2000 and hasn't been changed since. I've long argued, loudly, that it's too low. I've suggested changing it to a much higher value. My advice has gone from 35 to 50 and several places in between. You could just look at the median or the mode of costs on your system and use the higher of those values as…
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SQL Server 2014 and the New Cardinality Estimator

Cardinality, basically the number of rows being processed by an operation with the optimizer, is a calculation predicated on the statistics available for the columns in question. The statistics used are generally either the values from the histogram or the density. Prior to SQL Server 2014, and going all the way back to SQL Server 7.0 (in the Dark Ages when we had to walk uphill to our cubicles through 15 feet of snow battling Oracle DBAs and Fenris the whole way), there's been one cardinality estimator (although you can modify the behavior somewhat with a traceflag in 2008R2 and 2012). Not any more. There's a possibility for really complex, edge-case queries, that you may run into a regression from this. You control whether or not you get the new…
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Statistics Update Clarification

By default statistics are created automatically within SQL Server. And, by default, these stats are updated automatically based on a set of triggers. The triggers are defined as If 0 rows - Any data added leads to a statistics update If < 500 rows - 500 rows added causes a stats update If > 500 rows - 500 rows + 20% of the number of rows causes a stats update (unless you enable a traceflag in 2012 in which case you get a proportional value instead of 20%). There are some exceptions for temporary tables and some variations for filtered statistics and filtered indexes, but you get the idea. I was writing an article on statistics in preparation for another Oracle/SQL Server discussion (on, you guessed it, statistics) and I…
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Deadlock Monitoring

There are four different ways you can get information about deadlocks in your system. These are: traceflag 1204 traceflag 1222 trace events extended events For years I’ve been pushing traceflag 1222 as the best of the lot. Well, that’s over. I’ve been learning more and more about extended events and I’m currently in love with xml_deadlock_report event. Why? Simple, it has everything that traceflag 1222 has, but there are two glorious things about it. First, it’s not going to be filling up my error log with, for the error log, noise. Seriously. As much as I liked the information displayed from traceflag 1222, I didn’t like what it did to the log, but I saw it as a necessary evil. Second, it’s XML baby! That means you can set up…
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Make the Optimizer Work Harder

One of my favorite indicators for whether or not you have a good execution plan is when you see the “Reason for Early Termination” property in the TSQL operator like this: The optimizer considered this particular plan “Good Enough.” which is what you want to see. When you see “Timeout” as the reason, that’s an indication that the plan you have may be sub-optimal. The question is, can you make the optimizer spend more time on your queries. Well, actually, the question is, should you make the optimizer spend more time on queries. During my session on SQL Cruise I answered the original phrasing of that question, no. As usual when I present in front of people smarter than I am, I was wrong. Brent Ozar (blog|twitter) pointed out that…
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Execution Plan Stability

I’ve talked before about one of the primary things that the Query Optimizer team at Microsoft tries to avoid, regressions. Basically, they want a plan that worked well in SQL Server 2005 to work well in SQL Server 2008 R2. What’s more, they want everything to work well between service packs, updates and cumulative updates. Ever wonder how they do it? Well, they cheat. OK, that’s mean and not entirely accurate, but it gets the idea across. No, what they do is, identify when they have a breaking change, when they’ve got a special cumulative update or service pack that fixes some bad behavior, but that can cause plans to “break,” they wall it off. Note, in most cases, this “breakage” is actually a question of plans working correctly, but…
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