Execution Plans in Azure SQL Database

Microsoft has stated pretty clearly that they're putting code on Azure first, ahead of the desktop. Which makes one wonder when we're going to start to see some of this cool stuff within SSMS. What cool stuff you ask? Well, let me explain. Let's start with a query: SELECT m.MovieName, msd.MovieStageName, st.StageTypeDesc FROM dbo.Movie AS m JOIN dbo.MovieStage AS ms ON m.MovieId = ms.MovieID JOIN dbo.MovieStageDefinition AS msd ON ms.MovieStageDefinitionId = msd.MovieStageDefinitionId JOIN dbo.StageType AS st ON msd.StageTypeId = st.StageTypeId WHERE m.MovieId = 42; When I run this on Windows Azure SQL Database (WASD) I get the following execution plan: Kind of weird, kind of useful, right? First thing new that I can do is zoom in using that slider bar you seen in the lower left and then graphical…
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Laws You Break at Your Peril

Professional Development
Laws of Thermodynamics TANSTAAFL Gods of the Copybook Headings All magic comes with a price Winter Is Coming My adult years started with a pretty thorough education in physics thanks to Uncle Sugar and the Navy Nuclear Power School. The laws of thermodynamics were carved into our brains (along with Baumgart's Law*). Experience has taught me that all these other statements are more or less riffs on the concepts put forward by the fundamentals of the laws of thermodynamics. They're just applications of the same within social spheres. In short, if you have a physical engineering background, you tend to be a realist. But note, I'm not a pessimist. I just recognize a simple thing. No matter how positive my thoughts are, no matter my belief in the righteousness of…
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Star Trek and the Death of IT

GAAAAAAAHHHHH!!!! I feel slightly better, but only slightly. I started watching Star Trek: The Next Generation on Netflix just to unwind my brain and relax a little. Instead of relaxation I found myself pacing back and forth in front of the television, gesticulating wildly, with a string expletives coming out of my mouth in a torrential flood (yeah, my kids loved it). What happened in the 24th century? Did the entire race of IT Pros die out in the 23rd? Because there sure as heck is no evidence that they are ANYWHERE to be found. Episode after episode there are computer problems. And episode after episode my blood pressure is rising. I can't believe what I'm seeing. For example, in one episode they get an alien computer virus (firewall, checksums,…
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Time to Chat

Professional Development, Redgate Software
The greatest part of my job is that I get to travel all over the world to present different technical sessions. But, it's not the presentations that make it cool. It's the fact that I get to meet people. I get a chance to hang out with my #sqlfamily. I get a chance to make new friendships. Those contacts are amazing. I love the opportunity to sit down and talk to people about what they're doing with technology, the challenges they face, what's common with my own experience, what's different. From all that, I get a chance to grow and learn. Sometimes I even get the chance to help people. I'm going to be all over the place between now and June. I'd love to get the opportunity to talk…
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Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices: Chapter 17

I jumped at the opportunity to write a chapter for this book, Pro SQL Server 2012 Practices, because of all the fantastic people writing and the topics that were covered. I reviewed Chapter 12 a few weeks ago and I've been meaning to get this chapter, Big Data for the SQL Server DBA, read & reviewed but I've just been sidetracked. I finally noticed it on my Trello board, weeks out of date, and decided to finally get the job done. Carlos Bossy (b|t) is a great guy and a part of my SQL Family. We run into each other all the time at SQL Saturday's and other events. I've never listened to him present before, and now, after reading his chapter in the book, I'm very sorry. I'll fix…
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