Avoiding Bad Query Performance

There’s a very old saying, “When you find yourself in a hole, stop digging.” And my evidence today is: That’s certainly not the hairiest execution plan I’ve seen. In some ways, it’s not all that horrible. But it sure is evidence that someone was down in a hole and they were working that shovel hard. If you’re interested, most of the operators are scans against a table variable that’s 11 million rows deep. There are also table spools chugging away in there. And the select statement only returns 1500 rows. Please, stop digging.
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Meme Monday: Deadlines

Professional Development
Tom LaRock (blog|twitter) has assigned an interesting topic for Meme Monday this month, working with deadlines. Some people hate deadlines. Some people love deadlines. But when you have one, there’s a good chance you need to really meet that deadline or there could be repercussions. I have a tip that I’ve found useful in the past. When I have a deadline for delivery of X, I evaluate that requirement and determine what, if anything, is dependent upon other people. I’ve found this to be the biggest issue because my deadline is seldom their deadline. So if there are parts of my deadline where I’m dependent on others, that’s my first task: Go have a chat. Here are a few questions: Is X a deadline for them? If so, when do…
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Learning, Networking & Wine

Let’s say, you want to spend a couple of days learning about SQL Server. You also want to spend some time networking with others. And, it just so happens, you’re a bit of a wine connoisseur. I have the event with you in mind. It’s the first ever, SQL Excursion. It’s due to take place May 17-19 in Napa Valley. The training is from two of the biggest names in the industry, Denny Cherry and Tom Larock. I learn from these guys all the time and now it’s your turn. But this isn’t going to be 60 minutes in a presentation followed by 10 minutes in the hallway at a SQL Saturday. Not, this is going to be intense sessions with these guys on topics from performance tuning to troubleshooting…
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