Does Query Store Pre-Allocate Space

SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
I love the questions I get while I'm presenting because they force me to think and learn. The question in the title is one I received recently. The answer, now that I'm not standing in front of people, is easy. Of course the space is not pre-allocated. Query Store tables are just system tables. They have a limit on how big they can grow (100mb by default), but that space isn't going to be pre-allocated in any way. The space will just get used as and when it's needed, just like any other system table. However, don't take my word for it, let's prove that. The Test Testing whether or not enabling Query Store is straight forward. Here's a query that should give us information rather quickly: CREATE DATABASE QSTest; GO USE…
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Database Clone

SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
There are a bunch of ways you could create a database clone. Backup and restore is one method. Export/Import is another. There are even third party tools that will help with that. However, each of these has a problem. It's moving all the data, not just once, but twice. You move the data when you export it and you move it again when import it (same thing with backup and restore). That makes these methods slow for larger databases. How can you create a database clone without moving the data multiple times? Don't Move the Data At All New with SQL Server 2016, expanded in SP1, and added to SQL Server 2014 SP2 is a new command, DBCC CLONEDATABASE. This is like a dream come true. The use is extremely…
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Query Data Store Data

SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
The data in the Query Data Store is what makes all the magic happen. From collecting the aggregate performance metrics of a query to the various plans in use by that query to being able to force a plan, it's all controlled by the data within the Query Data Store system tables. The Question When I was presenting on this topic at the PASS Summit a few weeks ago, one great question came up (great question = answer is "I don't know"), well, I defaulted to an "I don't know" answer, but my guess was, "No." The question was: can you take a plan from one server, let's say a test server, export it in some way, and then import it to production? In this manner, you ensure that a…
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