More PowerShell Basics

Because of the data center move, we have a number of different functions that we're running on totally different sets of servers on different days. None of this is part of our normal maintenance routines, so I've been using it as a great opportunity to stretch a little with PowerShell. I'm still learning, a lot. The latest task was to get the databases of a list of servers backed up. I initially tried it using SMO. It works great. But it's serial across all the servers as well as across the databases. I'm fine with serial backups on the databases (very, very fine, I saw a parallel backup of all databases once, pretty sparks, like the Fourth of July) but I really wanted all the servers to get backed up…
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Red Gate Crib Sheet Compendium

SQL Server, T-SQL
Red Gate has compiled a bunch of it's Cribsheets into a single E-book, the SQL Server Cribsheet Compendium. It's pretty cool. I've got two entries in there, performance tuning and backups & restores, along with great articles from Robyn Page, Phil Factor, Robert Sheldon and Amirthalingam Prasanna, pretty heady company. It's worth a look.
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