Rewriting The Query Tuning Book

While I have not yet signed the contract, I have submitted an outline and proposal for a new version of my book on query performance tuning. Most of the information in the existing book is still very valid and immediately applicable. However, some of the information is out of date. Other pieces can be tweaked to tell a better story. A little bit of it is just wrong or has aged out of applicability. Because of all this, I’m not simply going to update the existing book. Instead, this time, it’s a complete, from scratch, rewrite. All the way.

I’m planning to drop entirely the chapters on hardware. I’m doing this for a bunch of reasons. One, hardware has changed radically over the years. Of all the information in the book, these chapters have aged the most. Two, frankly, I don’t do a great job on the hardware information because it’s not my area of expertise. So, instead of giving out information that might be dubious, I’m chucking it. Three, with the insane disparity of approaches to hosting your databases and servers these days, from Linux, to the cloud platforms, to containers, and good old fashioned big iron, I won’t be able to cram enough information in there to be helpful without making the book about six times it’s size.

Nope, instead, I’m going to focus down on just queries, query tuning, internals, execution plans, indexes, statistics, code, code, code, code and maybe a little T-SQL code.

Watch these pages for updates as we go along. Also, please, feel free to tell me what’s wrong with the current edition of the book. Share with me your favorite tuning tips and maybe they’ll show up in the book (with appropriate attribution, of course).

There goes any semblance of free time in the evenings. Ha!

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