sp_executesql Is Not Faster Than an Ad Hoc Query

SQL Server, SQL Server 2016, T-SQL
This requires an immediate caveat. You should absolutely be using sp_executesql over any type of non-parameterized execution of T-SQL. You must parameterize your T-SQL because the lack of parameters in building up and executing strings is a classic SQL Injection attack vector. Using straight ad hoc T-SQL is an extremely poor coding choice because of SQL Injection, not because there is something that makes one method faster than the other. Yet, I see in performance checklists that you should be using sp_executesql over straight ad hoc T-SQL because it will perform faster. That statement is incorrect. Some Discussion Let me reiterate the caveat before we continue. I 100% advocate for the use of sp_executesql. This function is preferred over ad hoc SQL because, used properly (and isn't that usually one of the main problems,…
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Query Store and Optimize For Ad Hoc

SQL Server 2016
I love presenting sessions because you get so many interesting questions. For example, what happens with Optimize for Ad Hoc when Query Store is enabled? Great question. I didn't have the answer, so, on to testing. For those who don't know, Optimize for Ad Hoc is a mechanism for dealing with lots and lots of ad hoc queries. When this is enabled, instead of storing an execution plan the first time a query is called, a plan stub, basically the identifying mechanisms, for the plan is stored in cache. This reduces the amount of space wasted in your cache. The second time the query is called, the plan is then stored in cache. I'm going to set up Optimize for Ad Hoc and Query Store and, to clean the slate,…
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