Databases and DevOps, Tools are the Easy Part

Moving your database development, deployment and management into a DevOps methodology does involve choosing and implementing tools and tooling. Tools are a necessary aspect of DevOps because, one of the fundamentals of implementing a DevOps approach is automation. To automate, you need the right tools. However, tools and automation, while they represent a lot of work, are actually the easy part of the process of moving into DevOps. What's the hard part? Changing how you do things. Change is Hard One of the fundamental questions you need to learn when you start to implement a DevOps approach consists of a single word: Why. "We always manually run a script in staging prior to running it in production." Well, why? Why can't that be automated? Is there a reason that the…
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Book Review: Business in the Trenches

Professional Development
I'm trying to improve. That's at just about everything too. I know I don't know enough or have enough skills to always get things done in an efficient manner, so I'm trying to learn more. One way is by reading, a lot. I've read a number of management and leadership books, many of them reviewed on this web site. I just finished the book Business in the Trenches. I really enjoyed it. It combined two of my passions, self-improvement and history, specifically history of World War I. Now, this is a tech, community and business blog, so I won't go on & on about the Great War (although I could if you wanted). Instead, I simply want to provide you a link to my review of this book. It really is a…
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Links From Twitter

Normally, I try to stick to posting technical info or community stuff on the blog, but there were a couple of links from Twitter today that are too good not to share. First, an interesting take from Tom LaRock on the issue around the lack of quality DBA's. He suggests that it's actually a lack of quality managers. Go read it & comment there. Second, this is Not Safe For Work (NSFW). Please, please please understand that before you click on this link. It's a hilarious discussion about NoSql. Put on headphones & give it a listen. Back to your regularly scheduled blog posts...
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